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Posts posted by mistymu05

  1. i would only seperate them if they start getting violent....dont worry that theres no bubble nest.....as soon as they have finished spawning take the girl out and lower the water quite alot so that the dad doesnt have as far to go wen trying to keep the eggs at the top of the tank.....it also means that once the eggs hatch the babies also dont have as far to go from the bottom of the tank to the top of the water.....

    hope that helps you.....and good luck with the spawn....

  2. Definitely thought by looking at the ventrals that you had a male = amazing length when they only have the short tail - i love them

    I can understand how hard it is to sex them i think i have a couple of females from a spawn but i thought that about another one and he grew a beautiful blue tail

  3. i used a sponge filter when breeding and found that just add the extension to the base and it works just fine.....

    also i found that once the fry were free swimming they didnt mind the bubbles and the ones that did stuck to the opposite end of the tank away from the filter and i just put a small bubbler (on the end of a air hose at their end of the tank to keep the water moving gently and i also used the hose clamp/valve to reduce air flow on both the filter and the bubble maker thingee (very technical terms here)

  4. i just realised this morning when i couldnt find this topic under freshwater that i musta put it in the wrong forum part.....was having a good day yesterday as can tell....

    anyways thanks for all the replies and dont worry about the dope who puts things in the wrong places.

  5. okay this has probably been asked before but im too exhausted to hunt for the question and answer in the forum so please bear with me.....

    I have a pleco who doesnt have a lot of algae to eat - keeps the tank far too clean for his own good :lol: - and thus i have to keep only plastic plants in the tank with him or he demolishes the live plants - so i guess my question is.....

    which live plants are hardy enough to stand up to a bit of a rough pleco? he's not huge yet and i feed him the algae disc that you can buy but they dont distract him enough from live plants - he loves to eat then til they are just stubs and then he roots them up out of the gravel - great little guy that he is....had him about 5mnths (i think)

  6. i got my first betta for my dad when he went for heart bypass surgery as a get well pressie as we had been doin the tank thing together and he had been wanting a betta since we started his aim was to get the tank all set up with the types of fishies that are compatible with bettas and then get one as the final addition to the tank (except for replacements)

    wel got him the boy and me two girls, bred them lost the first spawn but managed to keep alive my next spawn of about 50....and after selling the majority of babies and losing my two girls and the dad i now have 1 boy - not from the spawn and about 7 from my spawn a definite blue boy (in a tank with just tetras and i think a mix of boys and girls in a couple of tanks (dad has 2 and i have 4)

    have had trouble with the sexing but getting there......am looking at starting another spawn if but just waiting for a mature girl.......mine seem a bit small......

  7. i have that problem of telling the difference between my males and females as i have been going by the fin lengths but i have a couple that look like girls = browny coloured and spotty and no long tails etc but their fins are rather long.....so i just playing a guessing game at home at the moment and with the two i gave dad i think its one of each but not absolutely sure either......

  8. i know that i prefer the smallest of tanks for a betta to be 12L - but im sure u will find alot of people will say that that size is fine - i guess it will really depend on wat size tank ur beta is already used to - mine hate going into anything smaller than the 12l they sulk really badly

  9. if u want to keep th males seperate from the females til ready to mate then a neat look is to have a divided section at each end of the tank (so its divided into 3 and u have a male at each end - away from each other - and all the others in the middle ........)

  10. there really hadnt been too many signs that he had been sic...... he would still eat all the food he could and the only thing that had us watching him was he liked to sit in the corner of his tank......

    but that wasnt all that unusual when he get moved from one tank to another i noticed this happened when we moved house and had to transport him in the bucket and then put him bak in the tank so jus assumed he was sulking again......

  11. Was round at my parents on Wednesday and just as i was about to leave decided to look in on Dads fishies - well his remaining dwarf gourami was covered in a mould = looked like the hairy sort you can grow on bread:roll:.... so i instantly grabbed a container and lid and removed the little fishie from the tank and headed off to the LFS that was on the way home...... at first when i described the fishies condition to the guy he was like are u sure its got a fungus = i said well look and see and he was amazed at the growth (see i know wat i mean - sometimes) anyways he reckoned that the little fishie got TB (thats what he said but maybe he meant Pnuemonia) which then allowed for a bacterial fungal thingee to infect the poor wee fishie:(.......the LFS guy reckoned it was a bit too far gone to try and save the little guy and suggested euthanasia for him....

    he said that this form of sickness is something that dwarf gourami are susceptible to. Felt sorry for my dad :cry: - he didnt get the chance to say good bye to his little fishie (he was sleeping after his nite shift work) and i had to take the little guy home and do the euthanising myself.....

    might have to look at getting him some fishies that will look good in his tank but will organise a light for my large tank so he can have my light.....

  12. definitely just give him time and after he has gotten used to u, u may find that u can get him to be quite a social little betta ie mine rush to met me (tho they may jus be thinking its feed time) wen i put my fingers/hand in the tank i always get a rub and a nibble from one of my males and the spawn i raised got so used to me i could practically pull them out of the water with my hand rolled under them and they wouldnt even panic like most fish would............

  13. it is hard to get the different variety of tails in NZ, i have been looking for a while but Animates on Moorehouse Ave did have a couple of gorgeous CT's a couple of weeks back - but unfortunately was not pay week and therefore no purchasing went on (for me anyways)

    i have often thought about the importing of them from Australia and did look into it but it would take alot of money and finding somewhere that would be happy to quarantine them for the time required.......

  14. fighters dont mind some current (at least the one i have had go straight to the current and play)as long as it doesnt drag them down and dont worry about them having to share with other fish like glowlights and other tetras or top feeding fish as they need the competition for food as much as any other fish - mine have always been placed with tetras, platy, a goldfish (that i inherited) etc so i guess it all depends on the boy...........

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