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Judy Sanson

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Everything posted by Judy Sanson

  1. :dunno: :tears: What if I can never have any new fish. Every time I get new fish for my tank, they die. They dont even make it out of quarainteen (sp). Quarinteen and main tank have the same parameters. Tested Both tanks, water range is normal. I empty out some water from Q tank and replace it with community tank water. I want the parameters the same. In my main tank, I have 2 bala sharks and 6 penguin tetres who are all healthy and strong. They were the original fish I got. Over time I have tried Platies, Guppies, Neons, Another shark, and 2 pengiun tetras and a male fighter fish. all of which died within a fortnight. Some of the fish I place into the main tank without quarinteening them, same result. My original 8 fish have never faltered. Does anyone have any thoughts ? Oh yes, forgot to mention, the fish that die, they never have any diseases showing. They just slow down, then sink. One fish, the fighter, died in front of me, one minute fine, the next, dead. At the moment I have four Golden barbs, 3, so far are fine, the forth is swimming arraticly. The main tank at the moment is a two footer, 54 litres. I am, at the moment doing up a 3 footer, 30cm wide by 45cm high. I hope to have them in there within a week or so. the 2 footer will be empted and all that is in there, will be added to bigger tank. Inluding 2/3rds of the water. I want them to have both old and new when they are transferred. well, if any one can help, that would be great. Thankyou.
  2. :rotf: side effects would be a bunch of pretty stuck up fish, looking at them selves all the time :facepalm:
  3. Oh Haha :slfg: But seriously, could it be done ?? It would be good for the skittish fish. Its more the harm that a mirror would do to the tank and the fish. :roey:
  4. :roll: I have often sat watching my fish watch me, and have many a time, thought that a two way mirror in the front of the tank would be so cool. I can see them, but they can see only themselves and others. Has anyone ever done that ? Could it actually work ??
  5. Im not sure of his age. i know the lady I got him off, i will ask her. Thanks guys for your replys.
  6. You know, that I cant answer. I wouldnt have a clue if he had or hadnt.
  7. Hi, I have a question. My Betta male has just died. in front of me in fact. No diseases that I could see, water perimeters fine. PH 7.2. I took water from my tank to the petshop and they tested it. The hardness was 53.5 % I was told its on the low side but still in the allowable range. I had him for 3 weeks, and he was doing fine, eating as usual, swimming fine. Has this happened to anyone else???
  8. My condolences for the loss of your snail. Judy.
  9. :thup: Its all good. My wee fishies cottoned on quick tonight. I suspect though, judging by the size of some tummies that a few got a lot. In my tank I have 6 Penguin Tetra's and two Bala Sharks. The sharks are a little bigger than the Tetra's. One shark, through shear luck managed to score 1 worm. The tetra's grabbed the rest. I only gave them a few. I'd have loved to just keep feeding them, they were enjoying them so much, but I know that to many be bad for them. Thankyou for your reply's everyone. My next project is to put them in a bigger container and grow more. Umm, the worms that is, not the fish. :slfg:
  10. :sick: :tears: Hmmm, will have to think on that. Not sure I can chop anything, including a worm. May have to go talk to my husband bout that. But I will try giving them one a nite when they get their supper. I can have syphen ready if it doesnt work.
  11. From my Fish Club. I put six in my tank where they sank to the bottom and dissapeared under the gravel. My Eight fish, who have not been fed live food before, swam excitedly up to them and then screeched to a standstill when they got close, backing off, with what Im sure was a shudder of horror. My question is this, do the worms live under water?? I do a water change and gravel clean every thursday. should I do a gravel clean wednesday instead do you think ? Just in case they have drowned. maybe i should put 1 worm in each day till they cotton on, then go back to once a week. Ive not done this before so not sure what to do. I wish I had asked more questions at the meeting :dunno:
  12. thanks Jim and Caryl. I will do that. Im not to good asking for help via telephones, maybe its time I stoppped being shy.
  13. :dunno: I have a four foot tank that needs bracing siliconed into it. I have the glass, I just dont have the know how. Is there a kind soul :love: here in Dunedin who can come and help me by putting it in for me. I live in Calton Hill.
  14. Hi, I have a 4 foot Fish Tank that needs a Stand built for it. Is there anyone in Dunedin who builds these ?? The tank is 4' x 18" x 18". 250 Litres. Thankyou.
  15. If you google their name, you will get all the info you need.
  16. I have done that :bounce: pretty darn clever of me if I do say so........... :slfg: what I wrote is now in the correct topic, but my original is still here :dunno: Dont know how to get rid of it from this topic.
  17. Its supposed to be in my Hospital Tank topic.Hi everyone. I want to thank you all for your reply,s. I havnt made my mind up yet as I have placed a bid on a tank in trademe. Its #393140042. will see how I get on with that one before I think about getting a hosp tank. It I am lucky enuf to get this tank I will use my two footer as a hosp tank till I can afford to get a smaller tank for my hosp tank. Eventually I want to have a Hosp Tank, a Quarantine Tank, and a Main 3 foot Tank and a 4 foot tank. I already have a 4 footer sitting in my garage but its in a state undone. ie, needs stripping down and resiliconed
  18. Oops, wrong topic..lol :oops: :nilly: (Not quite sure how I managed this) Its supposed to be in my Hospital Tank topic.Hi everyone. I want to thank you all for your reply,s. I havnt made my mind up yet as I have placed a bid on a tank in trademe. Its #393140042. will see how I get on with that one before I think about getting a hosp tank. It I am lucky enuf to get this tank I will use my two footer as a hosp tank till I can afford to get a smaller tank for my hosp tank. Eventually I want to have a Hosp Tank, a Quarantine Tank, and a Main 3 foot Tank and a 4 foot tank. I already have a 4 footer sitting in my garage but its in a state undone. ie, needs stripping down and resiliconed
  19. thanks Caryl. I think a visit to my favourite pet store tomorrow would be a good idea. See what they have to offer. :happy2:
  20. Hmm, didnt consider that :facepalm: Probably nothing over three inches, and hopefully no more than a couple at any one time, if it is needed. The tank that I have is a community tank.
  21. Hello everybody A question if you dont mind. What would be a perfect size for a hospital tank ? I have a quarinteen (sp) tank 60X30X30 but want a hospital tank as well.
  22. Thankyou oneeyedfrog, I shall do that in the future me thinks. I usually leave them in their bag for half an hour, whilst topping up slowly with my tank water.
  23. Hi Sharkie.Yep your right. I tried looking up heaps of fish, but couldnt find it. Once I knew what to look for, it was easy. It also likes a high PH, so thats good. I got my two sharks ages ago, and they are thriving. a month or so later (3 weeks ago)I got another shark and a siamese Fighting fish. The shark dissapeared a week later and I found what was left of him when doing the weekly water change. The Fighter died later even after trying to save him. He had nothing wrong with that I could see. He was sick for a few days before he died. Oh, yes, I plan to get more of the Black Widow and the Penguin. Want at least four of each. At this rate, Im going to need a bigger tank sooner. There is a tank on trademe that Im looking at. its 100x45x50. comes with stand as well. Trouble is, how do I sneak it into the house without my husband noticing??????
  24. Iv got two new fish from my brothers tank, and out of curiousity I tested the water from his tank.it was reading at 6. I thought if I could bring my tank down a little it wouldnt be such a shock for the new wee fishies. One is a Black widow Tetra, and the other/? Im not sure of. It has a thick black line along its body, which carrys on down the lower tail fin. I tested the water in the bag once i got them home.
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