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Everything posted by Fay

  1. Fay

    350L NZ Marine

    Tank looks so clean....well brewed.
  2. Fay

    DIY Salt mix?

    Reading this I see your point your tester reads 1.022 for nsw so that is what your going to.
  3. Fay

    DIY Salt mix?

    I run my salinity at 1.025 to 1.026' what do you use to test your salinity?
  4. Yes I noticed that and nice colour too!!
  5. Looks nice and clean, you must be doing it right to keep an Anemone alive in a new tank. Nice looking nem
  6. Tank looks nice and clean, nice photos like the "you can't see me one" very nice tank
  7. Looks very well looked after...lovely tank
  8. Fay

    Tank size and sump

    Thanks if you decide on Leds you are best to research them on overseas sites that sell them find ones that will suit your tank, most sites have charts to help with dimensions. Some still swear by Metal Halides with T'5 combo, but I like my Leds.
  9. Fay

    Tank size and sump

    Well I have Leds now upgraded from MH with T'5s it cost an arm and a leg to get them to cover my tank, but I am pleased with them and I am saving heaps on the power bill and bulb replacement. If you decide on Leds make sure you get 3w cree mine penetrate to the bottom of my 660mm without the need for lens kits These are my Leds when they are on about half bright turning down for the evening
  10. Fay

    Tank size and sump

    What lighting are you looking at metal halide, t5, leds?
  11. Fay

    Tank size and sump

    If your tank is 4 foot and room to get down the sides of the tank you will reach from the side in to work on the back of the tank. Mine is one meter wide and I love the width coming from a 600mm wide tank great for aquascaping. if one mtr is too wide try 800mm or at least as wide as you possible can. 600 to 770 mm height is good mine is 660mm
  12. Very nice welcome to marines :thup:
  13. Cool looking forward to photos I hope PP chimes in here he has the coolest NZ Native Marine Tanks...... I know he used a deepsand bed in a massive sump and far north very beautiful crushed shell for substrate it looks absolutely stunning. I think he put the substrate in after the algae stages had finished.
  14. I ended up getting one from Aquacave shipping was a bit expensive but then I got some other stuff at the same time
  15. I don't understand the question 100% are you looking at having a fish only setup if you don't need to grow coral? If so it is still advised to have coral rock in the tank to give the fish some where to sleep and feed off. There are different systems to choose from for the sump to give Biological media eg: zeovit, deepsand beds, nitrate reactors etc I personal have a very clean sump run with filter socks, skimmer, po4 reactor and the zeovit system.
  16. Fay

    Fay's Reef Tank

    I spend way to much time looking at and maintaining the tank lol I am lucky I work from home. Zoos are cool... got a good head start with mine purchasing some good ones from Puttputt and have been slowing getting them to spread along the front of the tank. Yes good equipment doesn't come cheap in marines but does last for many years, on top of equipment there is quite a bit of other on going expense to keep the tank healthy... I use natural sea water so saves me heaps on salt as I do 200ltr water change a week. That said a well set up small tank can give good results and much joy :love: The tank is 2000trs gross Thanks everyone for your kind comments
  17. Fay

    Fay's Reef Tank

    I know you would appreciate that back wall
  18. Fay

    Fay's Reef Tank

    I am listening to you pp just thick and paying for it with po4 remover :slfg:
  19. Fay

    Fay's Reef Tank

    Thanks pp sorry... I got another tang 'Chevron' I know you will be rolling your eyes!! I just gotta keep away from the shops can't help myself. See you noticed the back wall photo
  20. have to find another one don't ship to NZ
  21. Seem to be hard to come by apart from deepblues. I have a Deltec and a Deepblue prefer Deltec style for long term use. I would get the one from Alois for that price otherwise do a search overseas.
  22. Fay

    Fay's Reef Tank

    Just a little clip
  23. Fay

    Fay's Reef Tank

    Some photos taken with the flash so made them dark looking Not a colourful coral but one of my favourites because of it's polyps
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