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Fish Frenzy

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Everything posted by Fish Frenzy

  1. Hello, wow thanks guys it's cool (and kinda sad) knowing i have an endangered species in my backyard! I'll call DOC and see what they suggest... but for now... I'm going to try feed the little fella before he eats all my fishies :slfg: :dead%fish
  2. Hello guys, So I just got home around 5-6pm and went to check on the turtles which are in an outdoor pond. We have one male and one female RES. I dropped in a few crickets (extras from what bearded dragon didn't eat :3). Wilson, the little male, was eating and then this giANT monster thing comes out from I don't know where. The pond is quite large, it's a T shape and around 4x4metres and there's lots of lily pads, murky bottom but clear water surface, open space/etc. So then this eel starts "nipping" at wilson's feet. I kinda freaked out and grabbed him, :nilly: I'm not sure if the eel was actually trying to eat his feet or just "playing" but the turtle was under the water and yeah Right now the 2 RES are in the other pond (hopefully no eels in there :-? :lol: ) and doing fine. They lived in there before but moved by themselves so I let them go where they want, they stay around. We live rural so no roads/houses where the pond is. :smot: sorry for long story but PLEASE HELP! i don't want the eel to eat the turtles! But i don't want to eat/kill it because it's really cute :3 I fed it some bread :oops: I don't mind if it eats a couple gold fish because we have HEAPS of babies everywhere. Just adding- I think the eel might have come from one of 3 I had in a tank 3 yrs ago, they were only around 10cm. This one I think is around the length of my arm, around 45-50cm. 1 died the first week, 1 got eaten and 1 escaped, I saw it go around the pond but then it disappeared :oops: May have gotten in there. Thing is it's been 3 yrs and I have NEVER seen any eels in there. Ok thanks any help appreciated!
  3. it's a 4 year old male i got another reply on another website saying someone had lost their beard for a week under their house and came out after 1 week, so I think it should be ok by pet bus. thanks for the help, also I'm not too keen on shipping, since the post around here isn't very good at all. At least there is someone onboard the pet bus to keep an eye on him
  4. Hey guys, I'm looking to send a beard from chirstchurch on the 29th, arrival in auckland on the 31st then 4 hrs drive up north (then he will go directly into his tank). The pet bus said that is the fastest they can do, and that they have transported bear dies before Do you think he will survive on pet bus? (They will feed/water him) I'm scared it may take longer as they may have to stop to feed him??? How long can they live without proper heating (just a heat pad)? thanks for the help
  5. hello a,so looking for a bearded drgaon, had a look on trademe but all the ones for sale are babies... im looking for a juvi or adult. Any one selling one? thanks!
  6. also looking for a bearded dragon, anyone selling around auckland or further north?
  7. hello, checked out your FB page, looks amazing Judt wandering if you had any bearded dragons for sale at the moment? Thanks
  8. Hey guys, Will be looking for a bearded dragon adult of juvenile maybe later this year of early next year, just wandering if you giys had any suggestions for breeders around north island. I have checked trademe but all for sale are with enclosure, (I already havw a set up though) and/or are $600+. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I am in northland, but any breeders or sellers around auckland are fine too.
  9. oops forgot to mention I meant the tank is being treated with furan 2, not the fish :gigl: sorry... will the furan 2 harm her?
  10. yeah she only feeds fish flakes as her other fish are all non-bottom fish- gouramis/tetra/guppies all in only a 20l! Also have another rainbow shark (this one is very healthy though) which she bought together. Think it might be harassing this one. Is it ok if I keep this one in my 200l for one night or two, so I can set up the 20l for her?
  11. just rescued a little rainbow shark from my terrible fish keeping friend... whenever I go to her house there are always dead fish around... a few weeks back she asked me about this fish she had that was looking kinda sick and I was on internet for an hour trying to find the cause of sickness...found it might be swim bladder and told her to get some meds at the fish store. Just went to her house again and found the poor rainbow shark still in same state... friend had aparently not had enough time to go get medication... god... even aer 2 + 1/2 weeks. So, she finally gave in after throsing a hissy fit when I told her I should take the fish, heal it and then give it back to her in a weeks time. Truth is she doesn't really like/know much about fish... not even what ph or ammonia is... :facepalm: why have fish in the first place.... so anyways I'm here with this rainbow shark in very poor state but is actually swimming around and may be hungry... should I put ehre in my 200l? It is currently being treated with furan 2 (only been one dose so far). I also have 20l i could put here in but that needs cleaning and im not sure if the heater still works. ?? suggestions? Currently floating in plastic bag in my 200l. Trying to post pics using photobucket (first time!) not sure if ti works but here we http://s1371.photobucket.com/user/chubb ... d.jpg.html
  12. hey guys.. stress is over... just found out my filter doesn't have carbon... lol! I feel like an idiot. :bggrn:
  13. hello, yea sorry I already tried melafix it didn't work and since a couple of my fish died instantly in a very short time, HFF recommended using furan 2. I know the problem is internal bacterial infection. Thanks for your post though...
  14. oh god thanks so much! wow you guys were fast! will take it out asap. thanks again!!
  15. hello please check out my new thread about the furan 2, it's quite urgent, I hope you guys can help! thanks heaps!
  16. hey guys just starting a new topic sorry I don't really need to but thought it might get som more people to reply- I have started using furan 2 and have just done first dose for my 200l... am I supposed to take the carbon out?? Just remembered this... !!! I know your supposed to take it out when treating tank, is this the case with furan 2 as well? Thanks everyone!
  17. omg I have started first dose... and suddenly thought: do I take out the carbon???? I know many people say when treating a tank you must take out carbon or else it could remove the medication in the tank... is this the case when using furan 2?
  18. hello guys got tank dimensions... finally! Tank is 15L - 49w x 14 d x 27 h. I think that's the largest we can go... he has a little bigger - 26l/ 30w x 36 d x 36h. I wouldn't mind... jsut a bit big for cousin's desk!
  19. Ok, thanks everyone. HFF said I shouldnt get a pair, if I can tell the sexes. they said getting 3 would be best... I'm thinking 3 females? Unless males are less aggressive.
  20. Hello, thanks alexyay Will treat the three barbs in separate tank and make sure the 200L is given a good clean. Also - I'd love it if you could tell me a bit about your 140L community tanks/ what fish you have in those tanks. Will be getting some new fish for my 200L and wanted some ideas for when the brabs are healed up. Thanks again
  21. Hello JJWooble, Thanks so much for sharing your tankscape and the photos...Momo and Ferdie are so adorable! It seems like they get a lot of attention Thanks for letting me know the kinds of plants you have, I really like the semi emersed idea. Will try that in future betta tank. I would really appreciate it if you told us a bit more about flare training / tricks for bettas. Sounds really neat.
  22. hello guys pls check out my new post/thread for the betta tank I am planning on getting
  23. Hello everyone Buying a betta and tank soon, just wandering if the price the seller was asking for was ok? I don't know much about the prices for bettas as I have never had one, I know here in NZ they are very expensive though. The breeder is asking for $100 for a brand new betta tank (not sure of size will update later on) with ehater, filter, gravel, food, water conditioner, plus a siamese fighter male. That's $100 for all that. I think it is a good price, but I don't know the size of the tank. A 28L nano brand new is $99 on Trademe without gravel and accessories so I think this is a bargain. He does sell his fighters for very cheap, this breeder, around $10 for a male and $8 for females. Prices can range up to $49 at HFF! Do you guys have any experience with buying a betta tank? thanks! :happy2:
  24. Hey everyone I was just wandering if you all thoguht my tank was still ok or if it will be overstocked with the new fish coming soon. Now: 1 dwarf gourami 13 neons 3 gold barbs 5 corydoras peppered 1 zebra danio 3 platys Coming soon: 5+ platys 2 angels Too crowded?
  25. hello, yes I bought it from HFF I got 2 small packets, tehy said the furan 2 does not come in boxes anymore. Trademe still has the 10 packet box for sale thoguh. I bought each packet for $25.90. Sounded really expensive to me and after checking on trademe I think I got majorly ripped off as a box of 10 sachets is $22.75 !!! I think I will have to contact HFF about that.... nirtite is 0ppm ammonia 0ppm don't know about nitrate though... PH 6:5 all the fish look healthy except the gold barbs
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