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Everything posted by BennyBoynz

  1. A couple of weeks ago my mum got rid of both the 120 litre and the 10 litre because we didn't have enough space
  2. Yesterday I got a female gold barb to go with my male.Already they are chasing each other . Do you think there breeding?
  3. Do you know where to get a cheap tank? :f77:
  4. Thanks,I'm probably not going to breed them.
  5. Just about to go native fishing with silverdollarboy...
  6. Hi I am thinking of trying my hand at keeping bullies after going bully hunting with silverdollarboy.What tank size would I need for a common bully or 2?
  7. Any more ideas :fshi: ?http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/posting.php?mode=reply&f=4&t=67411#
  8. What would some good fish and a good filter for a 120 litre tank.I particularly like cichlids and gouramis.The tank will definitely have 2 bristlenose
  9. BennyBoynz


    Hey Silverdollarboy how your dad doing ?
  10. BennyBoynz


    I have 7 fish in my 38 litre tank they are: 1 gold barb 2 black widows 1 molly 2 silver tips and two sucker fish . BY!! :fshi:
  11. BennyBoynz


    Hi I am 10 YEARS old. I have 3 fish tanks they are : 120 litre [empty] 38 litre [8fish] and a 10 litre [empty]. It would be good to have some ideas for the 120 litre and the 10 litre tank. BY!
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