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Everything posted by Conaquavict

  1. Hi Stella. The camera is a Nikon D70s, lense 18 - 70mm pics were taken in A mode (Aperture priority) ISO 200, shutter speed 1/60 F22, I had my SB800 on board the camera to get as much light on the fish as I could. Just angle your camera slightly so the flash dosn't reflect back at you and try and lock the fish in focus by pressing the shutter button halfway before taking the pic. The distance from the fish varies according to where they are swimming in the tank but unless you have a macro/zoom lense try and get as close as you can without scaring the fish. Hope this helps, Mike.
  2. Definately one of my fav fish, I love the way they interact with each other, even the play dead thing they do is funny when you get used to it. Posing Doing the play dead thing, Acara gives it a nudge. On cruise control mode Group shot.
  3. Hey guys it's been a while, had a bit of a bad end to 2007 but turned the corner now. Here's a few Cichlid pics, hope you like them. Pair of Pearl Cichlids, (Geo Bras) Elliotti Cichlid Festivum (Juvi) Nicaraguan Cichlid (female) Wild caught port Acara Thanks for looking. Mike.
  4. I was messing with my camera (a bad habit of mine) and I got a few interesting shots of my Koi Angels. I hope you like them.
  5. The cameras just a point and shoot.. Fugi Finepix S7000 Thanks for the links smidey.
  6. He's almost 6" so almost fully grown I reckon. Tropheus I have to agree with you on the victorians, not very often you come across quality fish like this one, guess I was in the right place at the right time.
  7. I picked this beautiful fella up at my lfs the other day, some guy had left him back as he had become to big for his tank, A case of his loss my gain I think lol. As far as I know it's a Kyoga Flameback, also known as a haplochromis sp all red. (lake victoria basin) The fish peeking out from under him in the first pic is one of my juvie red kadangos.
  8. My male is 9" female is 7.5" they grow pretty fast these ones are just about a year old, If you have a male or a female you can keep them with other large aggressive cichlids, if your tank is big enough. If you have a breeding pair in breeding mode nothing else is safe in the tank.
  9. Thanks folks, they are an awesome pair of fish, they have the spawning process of to a fine art as you can see in the vid.
  10. Ok guys my Jag fry are free swimming now so i thought i would do a pic diary on how they reached this stage. I aquired a breeding pair of Jags and less than 48 hrs later they had spawned, here's a pic of the spawn and mom guarding the eggs. Two days later they moved the eggs to this cave and you can see the first of the wrigglers appear, mom ann dad keep a close eye on things. The parents kept the wrigglers in the cave for 3 days untill the last fry had found his fins, here they are free swimming. A closer look at the fry And here's proud mom with her impressive brood. My Jags took a little breather from breeding and posed for some shots earlier, here's the resulting pics. Heres a quick video of the jags spawning if you're not already bored by the long post. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v107/ ... ngjags.flv Mike.
  11. LOL It's a silk plant meant for reptiles, Hagen make them in their jungle range. they look much better in a fish tank imo,
  12. My Angels spawned on the glass the other day and i never passed much remarks on it as they had spawned twice before and the eggs had been infertile. I happened to look in the tank this evening and there in the back, left hand corner of the tank was mr & mrs Angel attending to some wrigglers that they had moved to a plant, so fingers crossed that all goes well.
  13. How many Fry do one pair of Jags need? lol My Jags had their second batch of fry in 18 days, here's the result. Momma keeping a watch on things. A little closer to the Fry. Fry close up.
  14. Conaquavict

    The Jags

    I took some pics of my new Jags but unfortunately i forgot to clean the glass, these are the best pics i could salvage, Here's the male The female A bit of aerobics as she cleans a cave. Spitting the sand. Here she is on cruise control. A young Trimac that i picked up as well
  15. A short vid of my newest convict parents. here they are protecting their brood. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v107/ ... confry.flv
  16. Males are all coloured up now, females are all preggers, looks like it won't be long before there's the patter of tiny fins, lol.
  17. Ok folks, grab your partner for the Bristley dance, lol these little guys were performing earlier and i got a few pics of them, hope you like.
  18. Some pics of the new Betta i picked up today.
  19. My corydoras Melanistus loves to pose here he is strutting his stuff. And here posing with his best buddy.
  20. They are live bearers and breed as readily as guppies, much hardier though in my opinion, I got the 10 pair delivered and all for £40.
  21. I picked up 10 pair of pure bred endlers today, here's a few pics.
  22. Thanks for all the kind comments folks, the fish range from 3-4" in size and are in a 100g (uk) The plants are all artificial and made by Hagen.
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