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About Wellydave

  • Birthday 05/04/1988

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    cars,fish and bass music

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  1. dont bother with a skimmer these tanks are small enough you can get away with just doing water changes.
  2. check the for sale section i just listed a bunch of marine gear
  3. cookieextreme on nzmas sells true percs he is who i got mine off, not hard to find just need to know where to ask haha p.s this has gone well off topic now haha :smot: :smot: :smot:
  4. i picked up my pair of tank bred true percs for $50 ($25 each) + $25 shipping from auckland. it can be done...
  5. general rule of thumb 10% per week water change but is all dependent on stocking i have a 240L reef with 40L sump and i do around 40L a week/fortnight depending on how lazy im feeling
  6. oh and the algae will come. give it time
  7. dymax xp30 skimmers also fit i ran my skimmer in the first chamber and had a custom built media rack in the second chamber i found this combo very effective. looks good so far tho what is that you have in the end chamber above the return pump?
  8. in a fish only you will probably get away with a 5L wc a week i was only doing 10L a week because i had a lot of coral in there so wanted to keep the levels up. some times i would stretch it out to 10L every fortnight or 3 weeks depending on if i had enough salt lol
  9. pure due is fine if you dont have a ro/di filter, as for water changes i was doing 10L a week and was getting great growth from all my corals
  10. whoops just seen you are in auckland, aquaworld, hollywood fish farm just to name a few both sell live rock i would advise buying at least one piece to seed your tank
  11. bit of a over statement as long as you seed the tank with a piece of lr which you will want to do because that will have pods,snails,worms, stars ect ect in it already your dead rock should be cycled with in a couple weeks. this misconception of months to cycle a tank is wrong nither of my tanks took "months" and that was using all dead rock then adding one piece of live rock eg my 240ltr tank i used around 20kg dead rock and 1kg live was cycled in under a month as for going out and buying live rock you can at most pet shops that sell marine stock where are you located?
  12. it was i wanted to buy it so badly such a nice put together system
  13. yeap tank was shut down last year, at the time my wc schedule was 10L per week i would highly reccomend anyone looking to buy one of these basicly throw out everything that comes with it and buy replacements only thing i kept was the heater. i had a media rack in the middle chamber, skimmer in first chamber and return pump and heater in last chamber. tunze 9002 skimmers fit in the back quite well and are great skimmers also eheim compact 1000's are great for a return pump. if you want a wave maker the tunze 6015 is probably your best bet or the new wp10 from jebao. all in all great little tanks check out www.thenanoreef.co.uk and also www.ultimatereef.com as there are quite a few people on there with these tanks and can offer great advice
  14. latest breaking bad... speechless it is getting loose! i dont want it to end watched the latest sons of anarchy last night i was a bit disappointed tbh i was really looking forward to it and it just didnt do it for me hoping the rest of the season gets better also recently finished watching the wire amazing show every season of that show was awesome! if you havnt watched it watch it you wont be disappointed
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