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Posts posted by Dachende

  1. What super highway ?

    We sure as hell aint got one in Auckland.

    Plus, I'm pretty sure Aucklanders along with non Aucklanders pay the same amount of tax on petrol , which in turn is used to fix roads not just in Auckland but nationwide.

    Auckland has more roads than anywhere else because Auckland has 1/4 of the population.

    If Invercargill had 1/4 of the population I'm sure they'd get the biggest chunk out of funding.

  2. It's a really beautiful fish , bit sad his fins are all torn to hell from his issues with bad flatmates in his previous home.

    I'll do what I can to bring him back to health and look at setting up a happy home for him.

    Great link - lots of reading to do - Thanks !

    It's a Electric jack Dempsey, congrats it's a pricey fish aprox $60-80 retail price tag! :nilly:

    I love these guy, abit hard to look after if water condition is not mint!! As for normal Jack Dempsey they are real hardy!! Not suited for small neon or fighter fish, great save Dachende :thup:

    I had no idea they went for that price ! :happy1:

  3. I sold some kribs on the weekend from that tank and I don't think he'd go so well in my community tank with tetras, harlequins and the like heh - I guess it's the lesser of two evils.

    So he's king of his own little castle in for the time being til I can setup a new tank for him

    From what I saw when I was there, it was another fish the same as this but ever so slightly bigger that was doing all the bullying.

    Think I'll get away with him in a planted tank for the next few days til I can get a tank sorted ?

  4. Hi all ,

    Rescued a fish from a friends house today where it was being picked on quite badly by all his other cichlids.

    He didn't know what type of fish this is, but he doesn't know what many of them are.

    Any help would be appreciated !


  5. I think it's pretty clear cut why the eel was there and how it got there.

    The way it has been reported in the media here kind of points towards one situation in particular.

    I would have thought if someone else had placed it there while he was an unwilling participant, it would be reported in the media a whole lot differently.

    E.g : "Teens charged over sexual attack on friend involving eel."

    But you're right, I am assuming.

    An eel emoticon/smilie would go down a treat about now.....

  6. This is "fatty boy" or "ratbag" , depending on his mood.

    We acquired him when we moved into our house in Takanini.

    He was the only one out of 4 stray kittens that survived neighbourhood dogs getting onto our property at night . The dogs ended up being put down as the owners were already in jail and had left them to roam - BAD PARENTING !!!!



    He used to go for the camera cord everytime I tried to get a decent photo of him.

    And one of my favourite photos - Fatty boy and my partner.


    Unfortunately Fatty boy was hit by a car last week, and had to be put down which was probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

    He was a truly affectionate and playful cat - definitely one of the family !

    Rest in peace little buddy &c:ry

  7. Hmm I've had no issues keeping females together - but they were all introduced at the same time and have grown up together. perhaps I'm one of those random exceptions and have just been very lucky lol .

  8. I think there's a few questions mixed up in there :D

    You can keep females together no problem. As soon as you introduce a male to the mix, you'll likely have aggression problems.

    Min tank space for each male betta is quite small, as you can probably see by how a lot of people keep them in half cut - coke bottles and jars or the way they're kept in animates before being sold. . Don't do this, it's not nice :D.

    I've found all my bettas to be a lot happier when they have at least 20l each. By happier, I mean it shows in their behaviour. They are a lot more active and "inquisitive".

    No need for a bubbler =)

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