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Posts posted by Dachende

  1. Gm and dyed fish are banned from import and likely to stay that way for a while yet I would think. So long as MPI have the nouse to know what is GM.

    You don't think the way things change over time the government won't relax GM laws ?

    I'm glad we have strong anti GM laws, but I don't think it will stay that way for my entire lifetime.

    I remember not so long ago that GM products were banned from entering NZ full stop , you only need to check the MPI site to see how much GM product actually makes it into NZ.

    And that is only the stuff they found - which is probably less than 50% knowing MPI.

    The way Monsanto is going worldwide, it wouldn't surprise me if it was sooner rather than later.

  2. If you had different colours for different types of fish , man - what an effect that would give in an unlit tank or with moonlighting.

    I think if we wait around long enough they may become available - a lot of laws that many people thought would never change have changed substantially over recent times, wouldn't surprise me if GM laws changed down the road a bit too

  3. I personally wouldn't bother with second hand tanks.

    My experience was a lounge full of water around 3 days after setting it up

    I water tested it, and it was sold to me as watertight :(

    Then I re-did the silicone and water tested again by leaving to sit for a week..

    It developed a crack right up the front of the tank from where the original leak was , which meant a second lounge full of water in 1 month.

    That was the first and only 2nd hand tank I bought.

    All in all, it ended up twice as expensive as just buying one brand new custom made from tanks2u on trademe - all I had to do was give him measurements and he started an auction for me.

    It actually cost less than what I ended up paying for the original tank and silicone to reseal it.

    You will hardly be "paying a premium" if you buy something 2-4ft. It gets expensive when you start going large.

  4. I wouldn't bother with c02 if you're looking to go the low maintenance route.

    DIY c02 is messy and fidgety to get working right and Store bought c02 is expensive.

    There are plenty of plants that will grow well without c02 , but you will struggle to get a good carpet effect going without it.

    I'd take the UV filter back and get it replaced. They are really handy to have around even if not in use.

    For substrate, it depends on $$$.

    If you have a low budget then I'd go for something along the lines of Daltons aquatic mix sealed with a good layer of gravel / sand.

    From personal experience it works a ton better for me than a gravel substrate with fertiliser sticks or balls.

    The only thing is you have to make sure as hell it is sealed off from the water column or it will cloud up like a boxing day picnic.

    Or you can go the route of store bought substrate products- but they quickly get more expensive the larger your tank.

    There are lots of contacts through here to get cheap custom made tanks - perhaps you could look at something along those lines ? The only issue is you'll have to make or buy your own stand - and depending on how nice you want it to look, maybe a hood or cover.

  5. He's not planning to keep pairs so perhaps aggression among dwarf cichlids would be minimised??

    I don't think breeding will be an issue if he's not keeping pairs.

    Aggression shouldn't be bad either without the opposite sex in the mix.

    I kept a solo male blue ram, male kribensis and neons in a lightly planted 60l tank without problems.

    90L shouldn't be any different except for more room which can't be a bad thing.

  6. I guess it depends then on which plants you have and how well they can tolerate huge swings in temperature and light intensity -

    Sam has it right, you should really be aiming for some kind of balance between all the elements - you'll probably struggle with using sunlight due to the varying nature of NZ weather

  7. anyone else think that skateboarding on top of fish is kinda cruel???

    I'm with you on that one - I'm not sure what they wanted to achieve with that but I bet it lost them a lot of fish fans

  8. Unfortunately here in NZ we have the tightest bio sec laws I know of, so a lot of species that wouldn't even survive in the wild aren't allowed in because of the off chance they get bitten by a radioactive spider and develop super survivability :slfg:

    On a serious note, welcome !

    There are still lots of interesting creatures available, you just may have to change your focus a little !

    A good opportunity to try something new perhaps ? :D

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