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Everything posted by breakaway

  1. Can you explain to me how you're going to put 54w T5HO tubes, which are 122cm in length over your 70cm length tank?
  2. Hollywood fish farm has dwarf puffers again. Just got another, hope its a female.
  3. Does your algae look like this - viewtopic.php?f=4&t=43562&p=473353&? If so, get some Otocinclus catfish. They will destroy any brown algae. I had huge problems after dosing flourish. My tank 200L and heavily planted: http://iforce.co.nz/i/5jdb5yey.jpg I used to dose 4ml flourish as per the label every third day. Soon, I got a bad outbreak of hair algae (covering just about everything) and also cyanobacteria (green slimy algae). I was however able to fix this by turning off the lights for 2 days and then reducing the timing to 6 hours from my previous 12 hours. I've also got a smaller (38L) heavily planted tank w/ 3 dwarf puffers in it: http://iforce.co.nz/i/sq00x1ra.jpg This tank uses no fertilizers, or CO2. Just fortnightly water changes. There isn't a trace of algae anywhere except for the green spots which every tank has, and are unavoidable. I'd advise that you tread carefully here. If everything is growing properly, there's really no need for flourish.
  4. This thread wants me to set up a GSP brackish species tank! Stop it!
  5. No idea. Youtube suggests it can be done. I can't do it since I'm pretty sure I have 3 boys.
  6. Sexing impossible when they're younger. As they get a bit older, the males will have a brown line going from their 'chin' down their belly.
  7. Brennos, you should just pick up an AR380 or AR126 and convert it into a nano reef mate Apparently it can be done without a skimmer if you keep the bio load low.
  8. I keep 3 in my 38L heavily planted tank. They have an adult size of 1in so there's plenty of space for them.
  9. I have 3 male Carinotetraodon travancoricus living in a AR380 - they'll be fine.
  10. Yeah that's a good guide to go by Zev. However the general concencus amongst keepers of carinotetraodon travancoricus is that they don't have the issue with overgrown teeth that other puffers to do so you don't need to worry about feeding them snails to grind their teeth down.
  11. Just a bit of an update - my 3 puffers have grown up and it looks like they're all boys :lol: I know this because they all seem to have a line down their belly right from their chin. Still good though, as they aren't aggressive towards each other. Coupla vids: / @ gatito - looks like the snails that you're giving them might be a bit big, try giving them smaller ones.
  12. They're way bigger than the Carinotetraodon travancoricus. Wouldn't try it myself, unless the tank is enormous.
  13. He's full of it. A LED lighting system that'll work well for plants will use proper high output LEDs like these ones or these ones Those 10mm LEDs he's using won't be good for anything.
  14. Livingart, with regard to drilling tanks, how do yo know if glass is tempered or not? I want to drill my Aqua One AR380 for a sump and I'm afraid to try as I don't want to shatter the whole thing. And what sort of tools (Asides from a power drill) would you need? Do you use a holesaw? Cheers Sorry for minor thread derail!
  15. No other symptoms. I always have the filter outlet a little above water level for some aeration.
  16. I just found another dead neon this morning It appeared to be half eaten as well. There are no visible marks on these fish, yet they seem to be dropping like flies! My source at the LFS seems to think that neons are just not as hardy as they used to be, due to mass inbreeding in places like singapore etc.
  17. Temp is all good, 26 during night 27 during day (verified by three different thermometers). I see some red behind the gill plate - doesn't look good unfortunately I would like to seperate her but I don't have another tank!
  18. Hi, I've got 3 x adult platys (2 x F, 1 x M) in my 200L established tank, and one one of them has just started acting very strange for the past 3 days. She will sit on the bottom of the tank, very near the gravel, and 'gasp'. All the other fish are fine. Also, I've had a neon randomly kick the bucket yesterday. Water has been tested, and Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia are all normal, pH is 7.2. She still comes up for food (bloodworms) during feeding time, but the amount she eats has reduced drastically. Any ideas?
  19. If this guy can keep corals in a 1.5G cookie jar, I can sure as hell do it in a 38L aquarium! Came across this thread http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/sho ... p?t=226934 while browsing nano reef. Some real powerful LEDs. Three of the 800 Lumen LEDs should light up the AR380 nicely. Two warm white and one cool white should do the trick.
  20. I wanted to run a sump for two reasons - 1 being increased total water volume, and secondly because it keeps all the equipment out of the main tank. Makes for a much 'cleaner' look without hang on back fuges and stuff.
  21. But aren't skimmers essential for healthy corals?
  22. I'm giong to DIY it into the existing hood so it looks all stock standard. I've already hacked some fans in there there. Another thing I forgot to mention is auto-top off - this is pretty essential for avoiding having to top off the tank every now and then. In such a small closed loop system, even a little evaporation will have a impact on the salinity.
  23. I don't think itll be THAT difficult. The hardest thing about doing it will be sorting out the lighting. And getting rid of that crappy trickle filter in the back and possibly throwing some more lights in there. The drilling for sump shouldn't be that hard - just empty it and drill a hole in the back of it I could fit a 20-30L tank (Sump) underneath to increase total volume up to about 50-60L. Then throw a skimmer etc in the sump and we're done. Trick for me will be to find a skimmer that'll fit into the mix while still allowing space for the return pump, heater, etc. Another annoying thing would be the water changes, but with a system that only has 60L of total water it'll be easy enough to buy those 10L containers from the supermarket or whatever.
  24. Of total water volume around 50L. I want to retrofit my Aqua One AR380 with a Sump + LED Lighting + cooling. What are the Dymax nano skimmers like? Anyone used them? I want to have a nano reef filled to the brim with corals, a shrimp and maybe even a fish if space allows.
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