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  1. As in thread title. Going ro/di is an option of course - but one I’d like to avoid if at all possible. I am on the North Shore, mains supply. If not, what options do I have in terms of locally available RO/DI units?
  2. I'm looking at getting one of these. I like everything being right there and ready to go, plumbed in with a proper sump etc. The only downside to this appears to be that the lighting isn't quite up to scratch - it's a plain T5 setup. I'd hate to be limited to what I can keep because of the lighting. Is the built-in T5 is "enough" for the first few months while cycling / to keep some low demand corals? It says it has "4×24 watt T5" - It says it has 2 x 24w "sun light" and 2 x 24 w "marine".
  3. Oops - some very very bad reviews for "TruWater" - https://www.productreview.com.au/p/tru-water-filters/2.html I guess that's out! Any other recommendations?
  4. What kind of RO/DI are people recommending these days? I'm planning on getting a marine aquarium and its about time I got a proper water filtration system at home so my ice cubes don't taste terrible Will something like this do the job? http://www.truwater.co.nz/under-sink-filter-systems/reverse-osmosis-systems/under-sink-premium-usa-4-stage-reverse-osmosis-filter-system?cPath=&
  5. Wouldn't bother with cheap yeast stuff. Far too inconsistent. A regulator, solenoid, check valve, needle valve, bubble counter and CO² resistant tubing can be had for about $80 landed. The big cost is the gas bottle itself, but then again its worth it versus having an inconsistent system that is messy and takes quite a bit of effort to keep running right.
  6. I used to have dwarf puffers in a 38L and a 200L, and the difference in their behaviour in the larger tank was quite obvious. There were more territorial disputes with them flaring, which I thought was strange. They would also frequently lay eggs in the 200L.
  7. I'd say take it to your local engineering shop if you're not comfortable enough to go messing about with its innards. They should be clued up enough to fix it and may even have the required parts on the shelf (or at the very least know where to source them from)
  8. On windows in iTunes you can right click on a track and select "Open File Location" and it will open an exporer window and show you where on the filesystem the audio file resides... surely there is a similar function on the mac version?
  9. What do they look like? Kind of like this? http://fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic. ... 2e#p471890 Then yes they are what are known as 'freswhater dwarf puffers', 'pea puffers' or simply 'dwarf puffer'. The latin name is is Carinotetraodon travancoricus. I have had mine for nearly 4 years now. I find them to be very picky eaters. Mine were raised on bloodworms so thats what I feed them. I find that tehy don't mess with snails much bigger. But smaller ones do get eaten. I have 4-6 of them through the years in my 200L heavily planted tank with 4 x khuli loaches, the loaches keep the substrate very clean, and the plants take caer of the rest of it. They don't give the loaches too much grief.
  10. You can't just say 'puffer' and expect people to give accurate advice. That covers everything from the brackish puffers to the relatively tiny freshwater dwarf puffer (Carinotetraodon travancoricus) Which one are you getting?
  11. Hi All, Anyone know where I can get some carnivourous plant seeds? Specifically looking for the likes of Venus Fly Traps. Cheers
  12. Sure it is, if you are a monopoly. Just look at telecom. The government had to step in and regulate them. Sure trademe isn't on the same level but the same rules apply. Indeed will be watching this one :spop:
  13. Unfortunately trademe just doesn't care. They've worked themselves into a situation where they are a household name, and there are pretty much no competitors so they can be as incompetent as possible with practically no repercussions. What are people going to do? Move to sella? Good one!
  14. Just run the filter. You will get used to it after a few days. I once slept next to a genset that's the size of the average car, no worries. Just have to get used to it.
  15. The seem to be doing ok, we wil know around the 2 Month mark for sure though.
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