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  1. and get a fue Siamese algae eater they love that stuff most will b gone in a week
  2. increase the water flow in the tank get the plants swaying in the current.
  3. they are redish and blue in taranaki to eazyer do catch them in the day time they seem to hide in the shadows
  4. it would b tempting to accidentally food poison him
  5. did any one else notice the big tank on my kitchen rules ?
  6. fist are not a problem its a way of life
  7. a friend called me from south korea and has a job building boats over there for me ... wonder what i can find in there water ways ne ideas??
  8. my females die 2 and managed to keep 1 alive to breed then the 12 that managed to grow up were all males
  9. it just doesnt stop growing in my tank looks good thow
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