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stacey cunningham

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About stacey cunningham

  • Birthday 04/07/1987

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    hunting fishing and discus discus discus

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. wat do i do with it to produce new plants or does it do it on its own, its around 1m high with 5 flower shoots so far?????
  2. just want to get some ideas on wat people think the problem might be, bare bottom tanks breeding pair discus water change every day 25% with conditioned R/O water trace elements. vacuumed daily, wiped down every two days. fed beef heart and dry food, So fed in morning come back afternoon BOOM furry fungus all over a bit of left over food. spawned that night all eggs covered in furry fungus by morning, Male is fertile female is also male has bred 10+ times so what could be causing this fungus to be so aggressive its happened in 3 of my tanks that all get the same treatment and have lost every spawn due to it, have tried Methylene blue with no success. Any ideas?? :dunno: :dunno: Water peramiters are 100% PH 6-6.2 Temp 27-28 sponge filter,heater thats it
  3. :slfg: you basically have a breeding group of corys they will just be doing there thing nothing to worry about i have 20 odd maybe more in mine and they all act like that and breed regularly
  4. They get big i have 6 of thembiggest is around 17cm , and now have no neon's rummy's harlequins or anything of that size anymore :facepalm:
  5. r they really dark in colour if so its flukes i lost 100s due to this i had to treat with prazi 4 times to get rid of the flukes but took that many to die before i realised :tears:
  6. thats what they were sold to me as but they are ACTUALY julii sorry for the mix up :oops:
  7. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: WOW
  8. So iv broken down my community tank to change to my new 2mx600x700 and what do i find 13 baby stella corys im pretty wrapped I had no idea they were even in there.. The tank was really overgrown tho :oops:
  9. Oh that sucks, My suggestion would be take him out of the tank or put a divider in,n see what happens with the eye try a little salt and Water changes nothing comes close to healing than lots of water changes
  10. Hi Everyone So its come to the point that my breeding room is not big enough,so im gunna move it to the garage for more space. Does anyone in CHCH no anyone that can build box steel framing for tanks, as im no welder and wood I think, would cost to much after all the bracing that will need to be done I want to try do it that its not going to hurt the old pocket to much. Any help would be appreciated Thanks
  11. aerating it for 24 hr should stabilize it. Yea i have been feeding them live BBS.
  12. just cut some mesh to the width of your tank and use wire or something strong sqeeze it down you tank so theas no gaps and walla But def make sure theres no gaps cause they will find a way :slfg:
  13. same it used to be around 7.2 but iv had readings as high as 7.7 :dunno:
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