just want to get some ideas on wat people think the problem might be, bare bottom tanks breeding pair discus water change every day 25% with conditioned R/O water trace elements. vacuumed daily, wiped down every two days. fed beef heart and dry food,
So fed in morning come back afternoon BOOM furry fungus all over a bit of left over food. spawned that night all eggs covered in furry fungus by morning, Male is fertile female is also male has bred 10+ times so what could be causing this fungus to be so aggressive its happened in 3 of my tanks that all get the same treatment and have lost every spawn due to it, have tried Methylene blue with no success.
Any ideas?? :dunno: :dunno:
Water peramiters are 100%
PH 6-6.2
Temp 27-28
sponge filter,heater thats it