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Everything posted by POWER77

  1. Hi, i had the exact same question when i first got mine... ive got 2 Neolamprologus Brichardi and 6 Neolamprologus Leleupi in with my 21 fronts at the moment, the Leleupi are a really cool looking fish and add a good colour contrast (orange) to the blue of the Frontosa. Atleast 2 of the Fronts would easily be able to eat the smaller fish (and have eaten some small malawi before :facepalm: ) but i have found no problems with this combination (i think also because i try to keep them well fed) But in saying that ive also seen Leleupi in with very large full grown fronts with apparantly no problems aswell they are an awesome fish but personally i do like to have other fish in with them, makes things abit more interesting and each species (and fish) seem to have a slightly different personality.
  2. Hey everyone, ive just brought 15 small Dubs (8 at 1.5cm and 7 at 4cm) to grow out a colony. So far ive been feeding them on spirulina flake which seems to be going really well. But ive also heard that quite a few people feed their T Dubs Brine shrimp on occasion? so would a high protein food like NLS grow be ok to feed say once every 2 or 3 days? only asking because ive read all the horror stories about bloat and these are definatly my fav fish atm
  3. cool thanks guys. Just brought one of these, http://www.trademe.co.nz/Pets-animals/Fish/Lights-lamps/auction-392100846.htm. It can be used inline or submersed.
  4. Ok ive got abit of a problem ... I have just brought a 750L water tank off trademe to hold water to treat for water changes for three 240L and one 200L tanks. Now because the tanks are on high stands i have to find a way to pump the water to the tanks :facepalm:. So does anyone have any suggestions on any good inline water pumps? or another solution to the problem? (a relatively cheap solution haha) Any advice is greatly appreciated and im due for next water change in about 3 days so need to try find a pump ASAP. thanks.
  5. Yeah Dems and Yellows are really cool, you should look at using black Silica sand. I just brought some off trademe for my Demasoni/ Electric Yellow tank and it looks awesome, really brings out their colors.
  6. cool looking setup, what are the fish you've got in there?
  7. yeah i had my 12 yellows in with my shellies and demasoni with no problems at all
  8. POWER77

    Tank Mates?

    yeah Ryan i did have 2 big ones but had to swap one cause of aggression problems (was beating up all my large mbuna and bigger front haha) so thought its about time i set up a colony well ive got a spare 240L to set up when they get abit bigger and also a group of 20 small fronts in another 240L that will need to be moved eventually... so im thinking ill look out for a 500L? and as soon as i can get my hands on a big tank ill move them in together with the dubs. any ideas on that??
  9. POWER77

    Tank Mates?

    Ohk thanks Ryan, yeah im gonna get 14 now so will have 15 altogether
  10. POWER77

    Tank Mates?

    Hi everyone, im looking at purchasing 8 Duboisi at 4cm, any ideas on how they would go in a 200L with 19 Demasoni between 3 and 5cm and 2 small shellies? or would they be better with lelupi, small fronts and brichardi in a 240L? my guess would be with the dems but would be a pretty expensive mistake to make haha.
  11. ohk yeah that makes sense, so do you have a larger male i could buy then? haha ok will do
  12. oh ok well thanks but ive found a group of 8 that will fit in well size wise with the ones i got off you. yeah i spose ill just have to wait then haha. also im really interested in joining the Auckland Fish Keepers Association... how do i join?
  13. yeah i would defiantly be keen on some more demasoni, what sizes do you have? oh ok haha well that puts my guess on male/ female ratio out the door... was just sexing them on appearance/ aggression because 4 are much more noticeably brighter yellow and much blacker on the fins than all the others. So i guess i will try venting then? but in saying that the lady i brought them off said they were producing a lot of fry for her, so at first i thought that being in with some aggressive male zebras and larger fish might have been putting them off? but even now that they are in a tank pretty much by themselves apart from the 8 small demasoni and a tropheus nothing has happened.
  14. hey thanks for the feedback guys, yeah Ryan i brought the Dems from you through Trademe and am really happy with them awesome fish and growing fast! do you have any more for sale? i just stripped my first blue zebra last night and got about 40 fry, but yeah when the snow whites grow abit more i will move them into another tank. Im really keen on some red zebras and yeah i saw your juvie reds when i got the demasoni off you. My electric yellows arent breeding yet though and i think the ratio of males to females is about 4-8 is this ok? or should i be removing some of the males?
  15. Hi guys i am a new member to the forum, ive kept African Cichlids for a few years now but have just recently acquired the time and money to get into fish a bit more seriously (just left high school). i have finally managed to set up a fish room and now have 4 tanks. 1 display (200L) with 8 Demasoni (2-3cm), 12 electric yellows (4-8cm), and one male Tropheus Duboisi yellow band (10cm). 1 (240L) with, 13 frontosa (6 at 3cm, 6 at 4cm and one female at about 12cm) also another male Tropheus. Another 240L with, 5 snow whites (3-4cm) and 5 Blue zebras ranging from 7-12cm 2 males and 3 females with one currently holding. last tank is another 240L that im currently using for water changes until i can hopefully get some Red Zebras. So yeah just thought id introduce myself and if anyone has any red zebras or female blue zebras they are willing to sell or swap for, yellows, tropheus or male blue zebras id be really interested because iv been trying to find reds for a while now with no luck. heres some pics of tanks and fish, (any advice would be greatly appreciated). Blue zebras and snow whites Frontosa and male Tropheus Duboisi
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