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Everything posted by POWER77

  1. Everything's going good so far. As you'd expect a couple fish being more dominant than the rest (pink dragons blood and Lwanda) but nothing serious. The group of dems looks really good in there and they keep to themselves. Recent additions are a juvie Polystigma, cobalt blue and coral red. Happy with the current mix and setup just want to add abit more colour still. Also am going to get rid of the two Eheim 2012 internals and the Aqua One 1200 and just run a FX5 but that will be a few weeks away. New coral red on the right. Two Black Calvus, just picked up today. Hoping the first is male and second female. May add in when they get abit bigger. Having to control myself from adding more of these
  2. Yeah i've got Taiwans already just small though and yellows thanks. Have found sources for everything except the Empress, but yeah will let you know.
  3. Thanks for the feedback! Cheers Nudge, am looking into it...
  4. Stopped in to see Ron after work today and got a Aulonocara ethelwynnae to add to the list. Got home and thought it was about time to make the move to the 450L. so spent the afternoon moving the fronts, D comp and rocks to replace with the Malawi's. Heres a few pics of the new look. Had 20 fish in there… thought it was missing something so couldn't help myself and ended up adding 20 juvie dems aswel. Aulonocara ethelwynnae
  5. Hey mate, think I swapped you some dems for ice blues about 3 weeks ago? Welcome to the forum!
  6. Awesome! Tank looks great with those rocks.
  7. Yeah awesome fish, one of yours? Got him from Ron. Am really happy with the lot I've got together, only one I'm really worried about is the D comp. So think I will try breeding the ones I've got and grow them out to add the nicest juvie male at a later stage.
  8. Alright, so been getting together as many fish as I could over the last month. Some on my list and some that weren't. Now have the following in various sizes and numbers, but this is the revised list: x1 Aulonocara haensbaenschi x1 Pseudotropheus aurora x1 Aulonocara jacobfreibergi x1 Sciaenochromis fryeri x1 Copadichromis borleyi x1 Aulonocara "Stuartgranti maleri" Orange x1 Labidochromis caeruleus x1 Aulonocara Nyassae 'cobue' x1 Cyrtocara moorii x1 Pseudotropheus demasoni x1 Aulonocara sp. "Dragon’s Blood" x1 Aulonocara sp. "Lwanda" x1 Aulonocara jacobfreibergi (Undu Reef) "Lemon Jake" x1 Dimidiochromis compressiceps x1 Aulonocara baenschi OR Aulonocara sp. "Stuartgranti maleri" (Sold as sunshine but not sure if baenschi or maleri). x1 Neolamprologus brichardi x1 Protomelas sp. "Steveni taiwan" x1 Metriaclima greshakei Still need: x1 Protomelas taeniolatus (Red empress) x1 Aulonocara stuartgranti (Chilumba) x1 Copadichromis azureus x1 Otopharynx Lithobates x1 Aulonocara (Rubescens) This leaves me with 23 fish, will most likely end up cutting the D comp and probably a few others but should be a good base to start with. If I need to add more will try boosting numbers with yellows and dolphins. Here's some pics of about half the above growing out in a 240L, some of the smaller ones in another 240L and a few warming the 450L while the others try catch up.
  9. Hi Greg, contacted you a few weeks back about peacocks and haps for my all male tank I'm working on. Will stick to my own thread "Peacock / Hap tank" and try get some pics this weekend to post an update. But yeah it's all looking good, only got another 5 fish to get on my stocking list now.
  10. That sounds like good numbers. To give you an idea I am running a Aqua One Aquis 1200 Canister Filter and a EHEIM 2012 internal. The Aqua One has a max flow rate of 1100 L/hr and the filter volume is 12L. Not sure how this stacks up against the Sunsun but you want to be looking at flow rate and volume which will tell you how much bio media you can have. The EHEIM is a great filter and helps with keeping the water nice and clear but only downside is you can see the filter in the tank, whereas the external can be hidden behind the stand. I have a lot more fish than you are looking at in the same size tank and my water quality is good with weekly water changes. You should be able to find info on what size tank the filter is rated to.
  11. pm sent (I will have enough juvie dems ready for May). Nothing else really comes to mind that would go well together and both sexes are nicely coloured. I'm also breeding Pseudotropheus aurora, the males look really nice but the females are quite dull. You could add 3 of them and maybe look at another species to add a similar number? Alternatively I would look at adding more yellows or dems if you want to add numbers. As adding other species may just cause problems, the mix of yellows and dems seems to have worked really well for many people.
  12. Not sure if we have those in NZ? Where did you see them? If you can get a hold of some nice red zebras that could be a good group to add in terms of colour.
  13. Demasoni / electric yellows go really well together and are both colourful and active fish that provide a great contrast. I have a whole bunch of Malawi's growing out in the exact same size tank, there are about 25 dems @ 3-5cm and 8 small yellows in the mix. The dems keep to themselves and are doing really well cause of the size of the group. You could look at a group of minimum 12 dems and 10 yellows as a start? I would go for around 20 dems if you can afford it though.
  14. I feed mine NLS aswel which gives them nice colour and once a week they get blood worms. Also worms from the garden when I can be bothered and live feed of sail fin mollies once every few weeks to keep them interested.
  15. Yeah seems like I can do alot of research and will take on all your advice but will come down to trial and error. Going to try add in Chilumba and Azureus and maybe Giraffes or Livingstonii once they are in a bigger tank. Picking up the tank tomorrow so should have it set up soon, will post pics
  16. Ok thanks rcon, will try swap for a smaller fish. Yeah didn't introduce it properly, was thinking I might get away with it because the fish are small and thought it was a better option than the juvie Dems tank or mixed Mbuna. They're in a 240L for now (120l x 40h x 50w).
  17. Unfortunately its one I'm looking at on Trademe so has to be 60H X 50W. I will definitely be upgrading in the future so this tank just needs to be big enough to house them for a year or so then will have another use for it. Thanks, PM sent. Just got the Lemon Jake yesterday and have already had to move him to another tank last night because the Lwanda was giving him a hard time. I think its because of the similar colouring as he doesn't bother the dragons blood or dolphins at all and seemed to be a pretty chilled fish until I added the Lemon Jake. What do you guys think my best option is, could try take the Lwanda back and see if I can swap for a smaller one that may be less dominant, or stick with him and try swap the Lemon Jake for another fish that's not so similar looking. Its worth mentioning that the Lwanda is probably 2cm bigger. I would really like to have both together in the same tank as they're awesome looking fish. But would hate to stick with this Lwanda and find out he picks on others later on (may be a case of this one just being abit of a bully). Has anyone else had any experience mixing the two??
  18. If I cut the Yellows and Dems down to 1 male each ditch the Giraffes and cut the Dolphins to 5 that leaves me with 18 fish (IF I can get hold of the Ruby Red, Lithobates and Empress). Yeah everything i've read says it takes abit of tweaking to get it right and have plently of space for any trouble makers Tanks 1500L X 600H X 500W. Will be running 2x CF1200's to start with and maybe a spare Eheim 2012 i've got lying around to help with water flow. Seems like it's going to be hard to find any at the moment will just have to keep looking, but yeah I will let you know if I manage to find one. Also having trouble tracking down some Lithobates if anyone knows who's breeding them??
  19. Yeah was there today and got the Dragons blood and Lwanda am going back tomorrow to get the Lemon Jake. Hmm yeah I was looking at a 900L thats for sale but its just abit big for me at the moment. Do you think the 450 could be ok for a start? (could always upgrade later on). Do you think adding just one Giraffe male is a better idea then? Yeah I've read alot of people saying that the mix is just luck of the draw most of the time but was thinking the Dems should just focus on each other and Yellows and Dolphins are pretty chilled in my experience. Ok he just had Albino's when I was there today but will ask tomorrow, thanks for the replies!
  20. Hi everyone, I’m looking at setting up a new tank with male Peacocks / Haps and a few others. Looking at a stocking list of 44 and already have most of the fish as juvies from good quality sources, will be growing them out together in a 240L. I’m looking at buying a 450L this weekend so that will be where they all end up eventually. I have been keeping Africans for about 5 years now but mainly Tangs and Mbuna so any advice on the Haps or Peacocks would be greatly appreciated! Done a fair amount of research but any constructive criticism on the below list is welcome Stocking list: 1 - SUNSHINE PEACOCK 1 - KADANGO 1 - RED EMPRESS 1 - ELECTRIC BLUE 1 - TAIWAN REEF 1 - LEMON JAKE 1 - OTOPHARYNX LITHOBATES 1 - JACOBS FREIBERG 1 - DRAGONS BLOOD 1 - LWANDA 1 - AULONOCARA RUBY RED 10 - BLUE DOLPHINS 10 - DEMASONI 8 - ELECTRIC YELLOWS 5 - GIRAFFES I have everything on the above list except the Giraffe’s, Red Empress, Lithobates and Aulonocara Ruby Red. If anyone has any of these for sale or is keen to swap for Demasoni could you please PM me (any size is fine). Thanks in advance for the help Sam
  21. I think theyre cool to add some colour, also tried fake plants but have gone back to the natural rocky look IMO makes fish stand out more in a tank with alot of the same colour rock
  22. POWER77

    New Tank Photos

    Awesome set up, love the natural look. How many dems and yellows in there? ive got some of ryans dems aswel theyre cool fish.
  23. Cool pics, how does the Johanni get along with the dems?
  24. I put 7 Giraffes in my 240L mbuna tank and the male afras killed off two straight away, luckily moved the rest in time in with my fronts which are much more relaxed. But then a small peacock males doing fine. I just recommend keeping a close watch on them to start with.
  25. I have seen these tanks in person and can say they are awesome!
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