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Silverdollarboy2 reacted to a post in a topic: Shipping Fish By Mail
patrickc22 reacted to a post in a topic: Shipping Fish By Mail
GED666 reacted to a post in a topic: Abreviations Used In The NZ Fishroom
We had an old hound dog called Trampus.. (Trampy).. and we all loved every moment we spent with him. He had been a constant companion to me, and had grown up with the kids. The years past, and he wasn't as eager to do things like when he was younger. At fifteen his back legs began to give him trouble, and he got to a stage where he couldn't walk or get out to do his business, so I had to carry him out, then back in. He was a big dog... but I was much healthier then. After endless trips to the vets, and being on steroids, we could see that old Trampy wouldn't be with us much longer. I decided.. (after a long talk with the vet).. that the best thing was to have him put to sleep. I drove him to the vets, and he seemed to know that the end was coming. He had beautiful puppy seal eyes, and he looked at me from the back seat where he lay. I sat there crying like a child until I joined him as we shared our last moments. The vet gave him the needle as he layed in my arms. We were great mates... and he looked at me for the final time and his eyes were telling me not to worry as he dropped to sleep. I took him home and buried him on the farm in an area he loved so much. This was ten or so years back... and I haven't had another dog since. Sorry for your loss yeh_buddy,,... It certainly takes some time getting over the loss of a pet. Trampy will always be with us. Bill
Hi again, Any good un-flavoured and un-coloured heath food will do the trick... such as non-flavoured Complan... but you could also replace it with a very finely crushed (like flour) Algae Tablet. The food you give them should be like cloudy milk... as they are unable to consume anything larger.
WEKA said... WOW.... It's a while since I wrote that :) I was using quite a few two foot tanks for my hatcheries... and you only need a small portion boxed off for the actual eggs.... perhaps 2inches or so. This area takes care of the hatchin only... and the larger LIT area is to contain the BS once they have hatched. As above... Algae is great to feed them if you can grow it... or infusoria... but the formula in my article worked for me ... and we had no probs growing the shrimp to 20mm plus. Just keep moving them on as per the directions. We always had in excess of 10/15000 fish to feed... many of which were fry... but the bigger fish used to gorge themselves silly on the things. Don't overfeed them though... as they are a laxative of sorts... and your fish may start refusing normal foods if you overdo it. Once you get the knack of it.... then it all becomes sooooo easy. Give a few away.... sell a few... or see if the LFS are interested... if you have the time... There's a drawing of sorts on my website... (link under my signature) Take care now...
has anebody tried hypnosis to give up smoking?
Pegasus replied to spoon's topic in The Off Topic Fishroom
When I was a smoker... if anyone told me to pack it in, they got a nice mouthful from me telling them to mind their own business. Around two years or so back... I collapsed through lack of breath, and was rushed to hospital. Prior to this I felt pretty good.. and played football with the kids and took them swimming and such. A day in the hospital and the chief doctor paid me a visit. He told me straight out that my lungs were knack####... and that if I didn't pack the fags in I would be dead in under a year. Needless to say... I almost died there and then from the shock... but then after smoking 20-30 plus fags a day for 54 years... you understand that you can't go on abusing your lungs forever. I was put on a heavy dose of drugs.. and was out of hospital in just over a week. I thought about the grandkids... and how much I wanted to see them growing up. I was soon to realise that I couldn't live without all the tablets and inhalers I needed to take each day... and that now... even a short walk through the house to the toilet, left me totally exhausted. Since then I have been in hospital about eight times for varying lengths of time... and know that the damage that has been done can never be repaired... and each new day I see is one that would never have been seen had I continued smoking. I have never touched a smoke since I heard that doctors words, and never took any form of anti smoking cure... just went cold turkey... as I knew the risks. Sit down on your own and think about all the happy times you have with the people you know... and think about the future. It's hard ... but even my wife stopped after watching my condition, and she had smoked for over forty years. All the best, and I hope you manage to stop. Bill. -
Please do not get involved with disgussions on fish sales .... Please use the Trading Area for these matters. Thanks, Bill... Mod
Please...Please... don't ever appologize for posting. You can post a hundred times a day if you want... this is what makes the forums tick.
Age Of Aquariums Today at 2:30pm on Channel 74 (Documentary) Might be worth a watch.
Just to let the guys know that quoted me.... There was a misunderstanding on my part with regard to the TM ruling. I check around 300 to 400 posts on here.... "every day"... 7/365....and the rules have been posted in several different places... mostly with variations... but these are now hopefully in the right places... and all the same and precise. Let's let it rest at that please. Your remarks have been edited out. Bill.
Because you just can't win at this never-ending task.... and there were five posts.... not one. If I remove it and say nothing... we get endless posts asking where it has gone.... if I leave a comment... I know where I have edited... but STILL we get complaints. Big question is.... "Why did the drug references start.... when you all know it's against the guidelines" I don't complain being here at the early hours of the morning... (most days)... checking posts... and now having to justify making a post after my edit. "Why did you post in the Freshwater Section about being "Logged Off"... when you knew it should be in the NZ Website Section..?" It was moved to here... http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/08-apr ... tml#325641 Just another little silent job that was moved to the correct area.... but I didn't create a fuss and make a post about it......... until now.. Bill.
All references to drugs removed. Please stick to the topic. Mod. Bill
Hi foufee.. I think you will find several articles and threads about this subject in the DIY SECTION... Moonlighting was one that comes to mind... and there was another (I believe).. on setting up the circuits etc... Plus... not sure... but I think Ira made a successful unit.
Why do you not just do a search on the net....? The subject you are asking about ... (Genetics).... takes (in many cases..) years of trial and error... but the good thing is... that most of the results are published on the net... if you care to look for them... These took me less than two minutes... and there's more info than you can consume in a week. http://watershed3.tripod.com/types.html http://www.bettas-jimsonnier.com/genetics.htm Below these listings are "thousands and thousands" of more sites... all at the click of the keyboard. Bill.
This was done many years ago... and the perforated sheet can be replaced with Fly Screen Mesh.. and secured in a similar manner. It was originally designed with Bettas in mind... but would suit most fish. There are quite a few other ideas in the DIY section there if you care to look through them. http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/grumpygr/ http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/grumpy ... tahome.htm Bill.
Hope you haven't bought a Pacu... Bill.
Have split this topic due to all the slagging and name calling. Return to the topic... or the thread will be locked. Bill Mod.