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Everything posted by cliffy

  1. Hi guys I shifting house during the week on tuesday and wednesday and shifting a 110 litre tank if anyone can lend me some jerry cans to transport the water that be great and I am in central Auckland area thanks. :lol:
  2. oh ok cause i only have the 10 blood fins in the 60 litre tank .
  3. Sorry not sure buddy but it's a blood fin tetra and I had 10 of them for just over a month if it is a she and laid eggs that be cool but I guess the fluval filter would of damaged the eggs.
  4. Hi everyone in my other tank one of my blood fin tetras has been hanging around up by the filter since yesterday but I checked him out I cant see anything wrong with him and he is eating fine but when I turn the light of he went back down and swim with the other fish and this morning he is by the filter again but not as high up this time there is plenty of oxygen in the tank is well. Should I do anything or just keep in eye on it.
  5. cliffy


    See the other thing I was told neons don't live long only a year and a bit in a tank which I have had for ten months.
  6. cliffy


    Hi Adrienne how a you yes I had problems with the neons that went discolored but the furan 2 is 30 dollars which cost a lot more than the fish If I had real expensive fish I would of tried furan But the local pet shop was saying it's not worth it for neons .
  7. True it sounds like it affects a lot of fish keepers shame that furan 2 is so expensive and knowing my luck if did get it the fish will still die you reckon tonic salt works is well. what you reckon about x ray tetras they a stronger fish aunt they cause that was my next idea.
  8. What I did was a 50% water change yesterday and from next week I will do the usual 25% water changes . You know I wish I never got those neons didn't know they the only tetras that get that disease .
  9. ok so if i leave the furan 2 which I don't think i will get cause i use wonder tonic so you know how leave it longer what you reckon one month be ok.
  10. Thanks Dreams just want to ask you is I have put a carbon sponge in the filter so any way I will do my weekly water changes you reckon how long to leave it before put x ray tetras in cause I wont get neons anymore as they so common to getting that disease.
  11. Hi guys yes that's what the neons had 1.Restlessness. 2.Fish begins to lose colouration. 3.As cysts develop, the body may become lumpy. 4.Fish has difficulty swimming. 5.In advanced cases the spine may become curved. 6.Secondary infections such as fin rot and bloating. I ask the shop and they think it was columnaris any way it affected my glow light tetras and they died is well I did notice blotting and fin rot and coloration. guys you reckon it's neon fish disease or columnaris . My 3 honey dwarf gouramis a still alive so what should I do leave the tank as it is I have done a 50% water change anyway I have to tanks but only 1 gravel vacum do i put it in boiling water before clean my other tank that's not affected .
  12. Cheers Dennis yes I treated the tank with wonder tonic all week and now I put the carbon sponge in the filter.
  13. cliffy


    Hello and welcome all the best on building your 200 litre.
  14. cliffy

    Hi all

    Hello there and welcome .
  15. well everyone my neons have wiped out everything in my tank including my glow lights cause they had Columnaris gees it is so deadly but any way I will stay away from neons now. I have 3 honey dwarf gouamis in there still survive just want to get ideas from you guys I will just keep it as a gouami tank as I have tetras in the other tank. I want do any thing till January. Now should I put more honey dwarfs in there and keep it all yellow or put red gouamis in there to mix the color up it's only a 60 Litre tank .
  16. cliffy

    neon tetra

    Hi everyone started to loose the neons now and my only two male guppies . just wonder I have 11 glow light tetras which a still going but a bit stressed does anyone live near mt roskill that has a spear tank that can look after my glow lights why I re cycle the tank.
  17. cliffy

    neon tetra

    Hi guys well I have just had one guppie die in that tank funny not a neon.
  18. cliffy

    neon tetra

    Hi guys I went to hwff this morning and got the bottle of tonic and medicated the tank and hope that will cure the neons . With the tonic you only put in once and then on the 3rd day do a 25 % water change then add more tonic and on the 7th day do another 25 % water change well lets hop it cures the neons .
  19. cliffy

    neon tetra

    Thanks dreams I will get it today but he has it for a while though so you think it might be to late.
  20. cliffy

    neon tetra

    Yer Dennis these cotton wool is common on the neons and told It doesn't kill them .
  21. cliffy

    neon tetra

    Ok Dennis now about the cotton thing on it's mouth should I put tonic salt in the tank as the melafix not doing anything.
  22. cliffy

    neon tetra

    Hi Dennis I have 13 neons in one tank and the light was on .
  23. cliffy

    neon tetra

    Hi I just notice one of the neons has lost its color not as bright as it was and other one still got that cotton wool thing on the side of it's mouth now I did water change today and now I just put melafix in now . You guys reckon I should put tonic salt in the tank and every water change add more tonic salt once a week.
  24. Thanks for that I might go for a cruise over there tomorrow.
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