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Everything posted by emaytiti

  1. Hi guys, wondering what you all use for a laying medium for locusts....and what you find best and most successful. Your help would be great. Cheers.
  2. Try giving here a bath not to hot though, should help clear her out.
  3. Sounds like a very good idea.
  4. awesome! will have to pop in when over next
  5. Hi mark, is this still at the same place or have you moved? When do you open?
  6. When mine esacped I found her under a cabinet in the corner of the room. Did'nt seem to wander too far. I read somewhere that they like vibrations from subwoofers, etc but Idk.
  7. Was just wondering cause I was watching some vids on youtube and they use that excovator clay substrate for the leopard geckos and it looked quite natural. It doesnt sound like a good idea at all now that I think about it.
  8. When should I return heating etc back to normal and start feeding?
  9. Do you know if it goes hard when sprayed with water, like the exo terra excovator substrate?
  10. Anyone know if the clay kitty litter would be ok for leopard geckos?
  11. When should I return heating etc back to normal and start feeding?
  12. Ok, I have set the thermostat on there tank to 20 in the middle and turned the uvb off, is that all right? When should I start feeding them and rasing temperatures?
  13. Hi guys, wondering if I should turn the temps down in my enclosure. My beardies are just sitting/sleeping on their logs all day every day. Offer food in their food dish, but remains untouched. Your help would be greatly appriciated.
  14. The is an auction on TM for 1000 mealworms for $36.
  15. Hi everyone! I am a student currently fundraising for my yr13 tourism/hospitality class experience in the south pacific. I am selling Cadbury - Dariy milk, Caramello, and Top deck chocolates @ $2.50 each. Have alot to sell yet :happy2: So if you would like some PM me to arrange etc. Matt.
  16. For my crix. I have a cabinet sort of thing thats about 600 high and 300wide and deep. Heated at around 27, by a heat mat underneath. Have a container of sand for laying, mixture of gutload, oats and cat biscuits for food. A tinfoil dish with cotton buds and water for water and also bits of carrot a couple times a week. Started early this month and have a good batch of eggs waiting to hatch.
  17. Lol I was feeding my leopard geckos that other day and a cricket got stuck in there mealworm dish.....dun! dun! dun! no more cricket left lol
  18. Ok, mine just sit there all day. Only eat when I get them out and place food infront of them. No, it started a couple weeks back.
  19. In to reptiles more than fish :happy2: . Ok will look into it. Well were staying at the ibis anything around there?
  20. Anyone got some ideas of what to do? Is there a pet shop in the CBD? Whats a good place to eat?
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