Curious to know the worst animal bite, sting etc fnzas members have received! This has to be by a member only not a friend or relative other wise someone is bound to have known Steve Irwin or know Ruud Kleinpaste. Bite, sting can be from anything from budgie to camel spider and anything in between, so long as it hurt or there were repurcusions( it may not have hurt but may have got infected). Also interested to find out the oddest animal members were bitten by? This could be a mauling from a marmoset or a licken from a chicken, and doesn't have to have hurt or can be a combo of both( hurt and odd).
I will start us off( mine I guess won't have been bad compared to others but thought it would start off discussion).
Worst: 1)getting nipped on thumb by a huge cancer crab. It didn't let go and felt like getting hit by a hammer.
2) bitten on nose by my son when he was 2. This really hurt my nose got infected and i had to go to doctor. It swelled up for 2 weeks like a beetroot with teeth marks.
Oddest: 1) penguin, this hurt a bit because it had a hooked beak and twisted about.
2) giant weta, didn't really hurt but chewed into vein so I bled a bit.
3) Changeable lizard ( calotes versicolor) not common down here so put it down. Gave me a good chomp as I wanted to show my mate ( we had tried to catch it for ages) so had to hold it for a while till i found him whilst it continued to bite me for about 10 mins