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Posts posted by Jammos

  1. Hi

    i have a 4 fott tank i am looking at setting up and have 2 four foot T5 fluros ready to go but how many metal halides & what size would i need ready for a reef tank??

    the tank is 45cm deep.

    And how high are the needed to be from the water?(I head 20cm?)

    Also where does everyone buy their halides from? as in shops they are highly priced!

    Sorry about such a common query but search function doesn't help too well.


  2. ok not enough light may sound right. As this weekend I have a metal halide light turning up! stupid thing.

    I will pull him out as he looks like he has gone.

    I won't be getting another anenome as this one has been too much of a pain. It was only a small tank (3 footer) so oh well.

    It was one of those must hav buys when you are a beginner in the shop not knowing too much.

    Thanks everyone.

  3. sure.

    I think it is a carpet anenome.

    When i first got it, during the day it would go greenish then back to pink but it hasn't done it for a while.

    Salinity is 1.026, lighting is 2 T5's and one small fluro, had good water flow for him at the rock top.

    only thing that is put into the water is ASW and that was done 2 weeks ago.

    only algae is brown and is on a small pain of glass which gets wiped away every week.

    The only thing different i did this weekend was clean the skimmer.

    Hope this helps

    oh and 8.5PH, temp varies 25-26 over the day, and no bad items showing (ie nitrate etc). calcicum at 440. don't know magnesium.

  4. Well it only started a short time ago. he (bob) was up on his rock for a while now (a few months) and was nice and big (about the size of your hand) and was eating once a week, then one morning i found him stuck to the back of the tank half way down.

    I though he was just making a move, then next day he was in the back corner(me thinking he is moving into a cave where he was prior to his nice high rock spot) then the next day i found him upside down at the tank front.

    I have left him for the day and now i have come back from work and looks like some white filter wool over him and he is almost flat and only abou 2-3 cm wide.

    So has he died on me for some reason? or will he come about.

    The wifey said only a quarter of him turned up pink (his normal colour). he is now white and green. weird :o

  5. Hi

    just wondering what this is? I saw it when i was doing my water change...


    Is this a sea anenome(ignoring the polyprop)? it is the only thing i can find. If so do i need to gt rid of them as the book I have says they are pests and will take over!

    Thanks guys

  6. Hi all

    I have not seen this before and i cannot seem to find it in one of my books but my female BN is going white. (she is normally brown)

    It doesn't look like fungus as the is nothing coming off her and her scales are fine (not sticking out)

    At first it looked like she had banged herself on a rock as it was only a couple of marks. now it is 50% of one side of her..

    Could she be leaning against a heater?? any help would be great ta


  7. Hi all

    I have finally managed the basics of have an anenome :D

    But i am now wondering how do you get it to stay still?

    I know through reading that he is unhappy if he moves...

    He seems to stay still for a week then I add my weekly water change and off he goes that night!

    Also where does everyones settle? as i have heard they need to go under a rock but i see buzzy's is in the middle of no where in her old tank.

    any help great ta

  8. sorry to burst everyones bubble but I have gone down this path and the c02 in soda stream is too pressurised. You need the refiller to attach the bottle to the regulator and you normally loose 1/4 the bottle apon putting the requaltor on and it freezes the hole thing.

    I even freeze burnt my hands (through gloves) trying to connect it. so if anyone has any handy hints if they have sucessfully done it please tell me. And the other prob is that the join between the bottle and reg has to be tighter that what can be applied by hand tightening

    For me it has come to renting a co2 bottle with a reg already ontop so i can put my regulator on it (while closed) then releasing it.

  9. i agree with kyle as mine look exactly the same and they are L52. I paid 70 from a local down here getting rid of their one the in the same weekend wetpets had it miss labelled so I got another for 120 (supposed to be 190). Very cool fish. I call mine zebras as it is the closest i will get :D

  10. Hi

    I was just wondering how what the best way to set up a tank in a situation of it on a stand in the lounge?

    I have read lots on in walls and i shed but how do you go about hiding all the pipes if it is just against a wall??

    Also i have always wondered why does everyone have so many bulbs in their lights??

    The tank is 600 x 500d x 1200 and only have 550 room under....

    I was hoping to support corals and fish.

    So is it possible to run dual filters hooked onto a protein skimmer to look after it? Dont really want a sump setup.

    All help would be great thanks.

  11. Hi

    over the last 4 days i watched in dispear my big turquoise discus die, and yet all the litriture i have couldn't help me.

    I noticed she stopped eating and went black (so i knew i had a problem) then all the mucus on her body disappeared and her skin started to "peel". Then thismorning i found her dead on the ground and she was totally white apart from the fins.

    I was hoping someone could explain it as all the other discus in the tank are fine. (but i did have another weird one that my male breeder turned up dead one morning, but he was fine the night before and layed a week prior - i just put that down to a fright and he knocked himself out)


  12. don't worry as all the imported catfish are hardish to breed. Catbrat is the only sucessful person i think. I have been trying for a year now to breed LDA08 and to no avail. I am now thinking of getting rid of them!

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