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Posts posted by Jammos

  1. Hi

    just starting to look at setting up the new tank :D

    I have two options for the pump setup and was wondering what people thought if not maybe changes?!?

    The tank will be 1500 x 600 x 500 with a 3 foot sump directly under it.

    I am having the tank drilled so the pvc pipes go striaght up /down.

    The two options are :

    a - Laguna utility pump 7 (8000L/hr) setup with a T so most of the water will return to the tank and the T will divert some back into the sump - maybe to the skimmer? (unsure of skimmer at the mo as mine is too small)

    b - ehiem 1262 return pump by itself with everything else seperate.

    All comments wellcome



  2. sounds like a plan caryl.

    I was thinking of putting a poster of somekind at all the localish pet stores and go from there.

    I talked to pete ryan and he said that if you contact Andrew he should be able to tell you whats involved and I could probably give you a hand doing it.

    let me know

  3. howdy

    When i only found out about them the palmy club went into recess a year ago as all the people had given up on it (due to doing all of it for a while now).

    I would like to start it up again but need enough people to make treasurer etc and write newsletters etc. Pete that works at wetpets is the treasurer when it went into recess so i might go talk to him. but we will need at least 5 of us!

  4. silver dollars are fine with nearly anything that is peaceful. aslong as its not discus that can have heart attacks when the move.

    I had mine with plecos, bristlenoses, khuli loaches, clown loaches, black ghost knife, choc ghost knife, angels, kissing gouramis, red tail shark, barbs ( even though they would nip them every now and then), nad even a clown knife.

    So i hope this helps.

    Also only keep one type of each shark as the will bully them and or each other to death.

  5. hi all.

    i'm actually after a post i saw about lighting and when everyone turns theirs on/off.

    if it is easier please just say here.

    Also how much light is needed??

    i have 2 2 foot fluros, 1 1 foot fluro and a 150wat mh on it at the mo and want to set it up right and know if that is too much for a 130L tank?

    the tank is only 600 wide but is 600 deep


  6. hey thanks for all the replies.

    The tank has been nice and steady until the new bulb and now i have a huge outburst of brown algae (don't know if this is part of the problem) The yellow acro i have lower in the tank is doing fine so i might move it downwards.

    suphew the mh is double ended and there is a lid in between that and the light as well as te light having a glass cover. but i would say he is only 30 cm away so burning might be the answer.

  7. Hi

    I have a hard coral frag and it has been doing well (it is originally green with white bits) when i had 2 fluros but in the last couple of weeks i have added a halide and it has started to go white with fuzzy purple stuff on it...

    why is this? is this growth to or a disease that i need rid of?

    here is a photo even though it isn't too great...


    it shows how it is greeny on the bottom left and purpleish on the top right


  8. ok thats excellent to hear thanks.

    I did have an anenome but it died and they didn't like it anyway. :x

    But i have had them for 6 months now so maybe she has always done it and i have never noticed.

    She is safe there as there is a lid there and no overflows near.

    cheers all

  9. Hey

    Lately i have been noticing that my female clown is as happy as all day but when the lights go out it goes up to a corner of the tank and looks like it has swimming problems (looks like it struggles to swim down) and thats where it is sleeping.

    It doesn't gasp for air or anything though... and the male clown sleeps in his cave.

    Is there something that i can change with setup or is see egg bound? or is it nothing to worry about?

    please help.

  10. Hi all,

    I have a 4 footer tank from animates which looks like natural timber (to help you think of the model) and underneath it it has 2 central divisions that (i think) support the tank.

    I was wondering if you think I could cut one of the divisions up to slide a sump tank through.

    Would i need to reinforce it with something else once i do it?

    Or will it not need any reinforcement?

    Or should I just keep away?



  11. I too have started to delve into marine as from july so this post will be interesting!

    I started out only with a small tank 120L (what i had around) at July.

    I have hooked up a fluval 204 to help flow and act as a sump for now (as i don't want to drill the tank) so i am looking into a weir design to get to the sump.

    With 2 T5 lights and 1 normal fluro for lighting and a protein skimmer to help out. I originally hung the skimer off the back but couldn't get it to stop dripping (just one of those small annoying drips that you can never find) so in the tank it went.

    Once i have the sump it can go down there and i can put the metal halide (to come) over the hatch to the top.

    Word of advice too (as i learn't) DO NOT get an anemone if you do not have a metal halide! my carpet anenome turned into sludge one day!(after 4 months)

    I got some framgs from surphew and pies (thanks guys) and they are all going well.

    I only have one blue tang, clowns and cleaner shrimp as this is all i want til a bigger tank comes (in 6 months)

    And i am really finding it hard not to over feed them as they are so cute when they beg for food :D .

    I will post a photo later once i get one.

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