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Posts posted by Jammos

  1. I agree! seperation is the best way. I have also found that once they have come out of the mums mouth it is best to leave her in there for a couple of weeks then pull her out.

    This helps them get their confidence up and she shows them what to do so they learn everything quicker.

    If you leave her in there much longer I find she starts to eat them! odd really :-?

  2. I have got some babies and they are in a little tank. They were all happy and swimming around until on sunday when I did a water cahnge ( like I do every 3rd day) but I also cahnged the filter wool and now they are all swimming around on the top not happy at all.

    Would they have boated stomach due to eating all the crap when I was cleaning it? anyone know what I should do as they don't look like they will make it much longer!

  3. Right here we go.

    I have a fully set up tank with lots of hiding places and get away spots but for some reason some of them seem to be dying off due to being beaten up!

    Tank is 120cm x 50cm x 40cm

    Now in the tank I have 2 male yellow electrics

    3 mech... johan.. blues ( sorry don't know spelling)

    1 golden striped cichild

    and a red tail shark and a couple of barbs

    Last night they (the johani.. blues and electric yellows)beat up the other golden striped one but I was too late to save it, it died over night in a isolation tank :cry:

    And a month or so ago the beat up both my breading female electric yellows!!

    A) how do I stop this ( Ithought she had eggs in her mouth and transferred her but 6 weeks later no luck!)

    B) how am I going to introduce some more if I want to buy them at the show next weekend!

  4. Hey in the tank will be silver dollars, plecs, cats, angels, dwarf cockatto things, clown loaches, kuili loaches and kissing gouramis. (mind all the spellings)

    In their existing tank I have a Jebo 902? I think and I either can't work it or it doesn't work.

    Hope this helps a bit more.

  5. I was just wondering if two in tank filters are ok?

    I ask this as I am just setting up a new tank (1200 x 600 x 600) and I don't want a undergravel(stupid things). I do have canister filters else where but I don't think they work that great (might be me ).

    All comments welcome.

  6. Hi

    Finally I have been successful with the angels I thought were "infertile".

    Just a little query is that when do I start feeding them the liquid food?

    At the mo they are like little tadpoles sitting on the bottom.

    Any comments will be great!

  7. I too looked at these beautiful fish but The Wanganui pet shop said they could get it for me at $170 and down in Palmerston North they said yes aswell but at $200! so if I were you ring around all they local shop as they all will vary.

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