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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. "Take your canvas bags when you got to the supermarket!"Tim Minchin is a legend
  2. I'll change it to PGThirteen England
  3. Don't you work in a appliance store? I think I remember reading it in a past post of yours haha :lol:
  4. I just couldn't resist using a smiley :lol:
  5. Plan as of yet is to insulate a ply wall with poly or the huge bales of government subsidised underfloor insulation left over from under my parents house. Will find out the insulation rating Also have an old sink in under the house which we're going to fix in and plumb using a hose and waste water outlet we have on the side of the garage
  6. Releasing fish that could potentially exterminate all our native species only gets you that :-? You would think it could be more
  7. I know that But I remember there was a few different pieces named, like Sam pointed out with the store bought stuff
  8. Hey everyone. I was just reading an article about feeding pleco and it suggested "different kinds of driftwood". What kinds of driftwood are there and what have people had success with?
  9. Dumping said fish will lead to a bigger punishment I'd imagine
  10. Koi is a pest fish. It does massive damage to our water ways
  11. My parents have a male bunny and had a male guniea pig. Got them off some randoms. Bunny did things to the guniea pig that I will not explain on the forums, but put it this way, the male guniea pig is no longer with us We now call him Randy, for the same reason as the death of the guniea pig
  12. Did a quick google search. Albino koi seems a bit more common... They're probably just thinking white=albino
  13. Put some of your cycled media from your old filter into your new filter. Makes it easier on the bio load
  14. He could suffer pH and temperature shock
  15. My friends using a 2ft light fixture that hes going to DIY a reflector for =]
  16. Sweet. They're starting to look a bit smaller. Will do one feeding every two days. How many tabs for the 5 fish?
  17. You don't think its worth doing the temperature change and stuff?
  18. Once every two days? I was doing twice a day after my period of non feeding :roll: Hopefully getting some Hikari soon. Any veges?
  19. No signs of eggs. Plan to remove the last of the plants this weekend when I set up my new planted tank on my new stand Will also remove all other fish leaving the 5 L104 to have the whole 4ftr to themselves. Once I have the tanks sorted, I will try induce spawnings Currently being fed JBL novo tabs and ?wardly? spirulina wafers. Any other recommend feeds?
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