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Everything posted by dogmatix

  1. Just ried pushing her with the airline good visual and good motor response
  2. Comon lets start a positive thread for a change (ill go last )
  3. WOW my RB Peacock just freaked while i was doing a water change, Jumped out of the water hit the glass landed back in the water. Started spaziming, then stopeed moving oh no i got a floater, left it for a minute came back to minor ventral fin twitches, put her in a bucket. One minute later no change opened an air line on a gang valve and held it under the gills for 3 minutes. Fish is breathing with no motor controll, two minutes later fins are working but no station keeping one more minute of air and she is station keeping. Seems fine but ill leave her in the bucket for a good half hour. Ben
  4. Im in the same boat as drifty i could pay a very sml amount for NSW from work (virtually nothing) but my preference is ASW
  5. 50/50 on availability season etc get 10000l at a time
  6. No befor pics but was a the same size minus base spread and bew tip growth
  7. Acro has not growing xcept 4 from base and snapped branch Pic trying to show fusion and growth around branch Approx 25mm growth per new branch in just under 3 weeks from snapped branch
  8. Dang lucky i was here, the male P.electra just jumped out (hadnt put the glass on yet) demasonis a shimmering against each other, not sure who had a go at the electra tho
  9. I had a bad experiance with rowa had i negative effect on a couple of acros/sps had IMO had a very bad effect on all pumps
  10. Also if your that worried about your water i recomend an RODI for top up and water changes if needed, I got mine from here http://www.ro-man.co.uk Anthony preston in howick also sells them
  11. For that size probably a tmc 25 watt model, Dont get a pond one they are not the real deal
  12. Understand where youre comming from layton Did you read my post on new acro growth at snapped tips ?
  13. So was the Iron level tested and confirmed or just suspected ?
  14. Anyway DG like i said its up to you hope this has helped.
  15. When i have customers that live on the coast i tell them its at there risk, BUT it should be fine. The closest one to auckland being past waiwera. I recomend to my Auckland customers that they use ASW. I know some one who normally uses takapuna water and thought that mission bay would be fine he had quite a few problems. Basically its up too you
  16. OK things are smoking at the mo and im really happy with the gowth and colour, BUT a large acro frag that i secured with deltec putty has base spread very well, and is not growing on any of the braches ? i snapped off a branch (accident) and has taken off, the base spread has gown vertical into an old branch (thought the contact may tigger new gowth) instead the growth is fusing and growing around the branch. Any1 shed some light. Thx Ben
  17. Thanks, still barely seen the Peacocks, her ovipos was out two days ago in the shop, ROFL if they have bred allready, maybe time for some mysis
  18. So cool to a variety of apisto's being imported and bred, CONGRATS
  19. I use ASW (Red Sea) and RODI
  20. The P. electra have bought out the demasoni more But the pair of RB Peacocks are being very secretive and dominant
  21. Yes but a pair could potentially kill off tank mates
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