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Everything posted by SamH

  1. SamH

    Other Betta's?

    Thanks ADodge. I had my location up before but I must of taken it off accidentaly. HFF has them? Maybe I'll ask them...
  2. My cambodian seems to leave the kribs and BN's alone. They seem to pick on other Betta's
  3. SamH

    Other Betta's?

    Where did you get it from? I've never seen any at my LFS.
  4. I was looking through one of my fish books when I saw all the different types of Betta's. Theres a big 3 page spread on the Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta splendens) but there were also a few profiles on the lesser known Betta's. These look really cool and different, especially the Slim Betta. Does anyone know of other Betta's in NZL? E.G, Slim Betta (Betta bellica), Wine Red Betta (Betta coccina), Crescent Betta (Betta imbellis), etc. Thanks
  5. Yes, I have an extremely aggressive cambodian female, doesn't get along with other Betta's at all.
  6. I'm not sure about the plants, perhaps you could use pond plants? The minnows like to be in a shoal so maybe a couple isn't the best option for them?
  7. Bummer. You never tried to breed them in their own tank? Male and OTHER females? I thought they were strictly mongamous?
  8. SamH

    My Fighters

    I used to have mice. My male was so agro, he even took on my cat through the bars of his cage and won! My female had a litter of 10 and all survived, very cute little cross bred things. Back to Betta's... What kind of conditioning have you done to them?
  9. . I didn't realise his Grandfather was so amazing! He looks so unreal. Very nice ADodge!
  10. Good idea Whetu but I'm planning on jamming a breeding tank right next to it soon. Just moving some fish around but the tank will fit perfectly beside it.
  11. Yeah, it came in wool. It was a huge clump of grass but I split it up heaps. Was growing well in my other tank but now I've split it up even more.
  12. I'm still kind of confused about what tail type my Betta is? I'm thinking crowntail, butterfly? What about those extra rays (if you can see them). Any help on tail type, colouration, etc is much appreciated. Thanks.
  13. Adodge, I've just moved that beautiful CT male you sold me to my new nano planted. He's doing really well. His sisters are REALLY aggresive though so I had to split them up because one had super nasty fin damage. The two cambodians are still huge but the little red female is small and badly nipped, but she's getting better. Very nice fighters TYVM. Anyways... I'm looking at trying to breed mine soon (my male is my avatar) so I'm looking foward to that. Can share some experince soon if you like.
  14. SamH

    My Fighters

    I got my Java moss + Fern for $5 ea off "that auction site" plus $5 shipping. Not bad and the moss was quite large and the fern was in good condition. And don't give up on fighters!! They're worth it.
  15. But will that be enough?
  16. Yeah, I was thinking aboutrying Flourish Excel, but I like to try new things. Yeah, but how and what do I do? Rig the tube straight onto that? Direct the flow into a CO2 bell?
  17. Hello all. I have this attachment on my internal filter: Any ideas on what I should do with this? It's only a small 27L tank so I can have anything big in it and I'm not too fussed if it isn't the most efficient method around just as long as it's not horribly wrong. I'm mainly planting hairgrass and possibly Riccia. Here's my thread on the tank: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=39299. Also, I'm running those slim flouro lights, going to upgrade soon.
  18. Nice fish Phoenix! Hope mine turn out as good as that! What sized tank were they in? Did they ever breed? Thanks
  19. That's my little CO2 bell. It helps to disperse the CO2 from my reactor (up top) into the water. Check out my post about it: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=39373 Thanks Vinson. Yeah, my Betta was just exploring, very curious little thing.
  20. I've just started up a nano planted tank with coarse sand as the substrate. I've just planted some hairgrass and am using JBL fertilizer balls in the substrate. I'm planning on running DIY CO2 when it settles down a bit. The bottle sits on top and will pump CO2 down though the back of the shelf. The airline runs down into the tank where it connects to an airstone under the CO2 bell. I was just wondering if my setup was okay? Also, what proportions of yeast, water and sugar do you other DIY CO2'ers use? Here are some pics:
  21. I've just planted the tank with some hair grass and added my Betta and BN. They are settling in well (not surprising, it's more than half their old tank water). Waiting for it to calm down and the bits of grass to be cleaned up by the filter. Hope all goes well! Here are some pics of the tank now: Enjoy.
  22. Thanks Foxglove. They're still only about 2.5cm's and she chases "him" around all the time.
  23. I got two young Kribs the other day and now that they've settled in, I can see there colours better. I need your help to confirm what gender they are. Im thinking that the fish in the first two pictures is a female and the fish in the last two pictures is a male. Am I correct? Female?: Male?: Thanks
  24. I'm pretty sure it's the light because it was all good up until a month ago. The plant promoting tube looks heaps dimmer but I haven't got around to replacing it. All the plants in my other tanks are doing really well though. Here's some pics of it this morning:
  25. Thanks Phoenix and Imsweet. Tank is less cloudy this morning but I'm still going to wait a day or two. The Hairgrass in my 20 Gal seems to be doing very well even though the Bacopa, Polysperma, Narrow Leafed sword and others are all dying. I need a new light tube but $50 at Animates is just too much. That link you gave me Phoenix is really cool except for the bricks, I like the more natural decor. I want the hairgrass more towards the back because it's about 10cm's tall. Does anyone have any Riccia or Glosso I can buy off them? Can't seem to find it in the shops. Thanks
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