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  • Location
    Auckland- Dannemora
  • About You
    African cichlids, fishing, sailing.

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  1. Yes I would like to get planted tank like yours.... sometime. That looks great. I give my fish a lot of different type of food. Spirulina flakes, Spirulina granules, Hikari Cichlid excel, Brine shrimp flakes and frozen ones, also give my fish a bit of green peas and brocoli and from time to time daphnia.
  2. Looks like Tropheus have all they need but the others??... It is a beautiful setup and variety of fish mate no questions.
  3. :evil: I disagee with your opinion Phoenix. You may be lucky with your fish and many people are... Africans are not= africans. They also have different requirements for different species. What africans did you had/ have?? I saw many african tanks and some people keep africans with arowanas and others... but it doesn't mean they do good job on fishkeeping. :oops: Didn't you sold your africans and started planted tank cause of some problems???
  4. The fish are nice looking together but... How do you feed them to meet herbivore diet required for Tropheus and Ominvore diet require for others??? Some of the fish won't have optimal diet. :roll:
  5. :lol: nice looking tank smidey and nice dubs. What are the other Tropheus, more yellow ones? :roll:
  6. ... that must be love, love, love....
  7. What kind of fish is the "sky" or "freeview"?????????????? Mate this is fishkeeper forum and not trademe! :evil:
  8. The red spotted severum looks great. Post me when you get some babies :bounce:
  9. maaxim

    Hap tank!

    My ones in 900 litres as well. The Polys and Livingstoni very photoshy Hope to see some of your photos soon... :bounce:
  10. My ones come from the same strain then your ones Ryan, I saw only the father in Peacock display tank pretty and nice Red coloured. Unfortunatly I haven't take the photos of him. Will ask him to email me a photo.
  11. maaxim

    Hi there

    :lol: Hi and welcome. I'm sure you will enjoy!
  12. Hi and welcome. What fish ghave you kept in the past??? Njoy the forum! :bounce: :bounce:
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