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Everything posted by Gecko

  1. Gecko

    This or that

    big fish ocean or sea?
  2. Gecko


    I'm not too fond of salt itself in tanks. Each fish is different. I will not do water changes right now, as it will just take out most of the treatment. It's not a very "large" tank afterall. (48 litres) I will, however, do them after the second treatment. This I think will do much of a better job and thus add more treatment after the water change has been made. :) (That's just how I like to think it will work)
  3. Gecko


    I brought some Whitespot cure and put 1 per litre in there. I won't be doing water changes at this stage as I think it will just stress them even more. I'm not very keen to put salt in with goldfish... They might not behave very well to it.
  4. Gecko


    I came home from an outing with my partner and looked at my goldfish tank. I noticed one of my comets was missing. I searched until I found him tangled in a plant while floating on top of the water in the corner. I was sad and shocked to have found him like that. I did a quick nitrate and ammonia test. Showed no signs of chemicals in the water. And then looked at my blackmoor, shubunkin and other comet. The comet was getting picked on by the baby guppies and the other two had white spots. An obvious sign of white spot. Therefore I put the comet in an cooler type container with mid-warmish water to help him get on. I just would like to find out if anyone has any ideas of how they would of got it. I already know tank temperatures affect it and so do the objects in the tank. Anything else?
  5. Gecko

    This or that

    Yugioh original. original pokemon or new pokemon
  6. Gecko

    This or that

    Not that I have had it much lately but.. Whiskey Dragonball Z or Dragonball GT?
  7. Gecko

    This or that

    Kind of hard not too... Watch fish or catch fish?
  8. He's about 4 months old. Yeah, we found it weird that he would do his business in his bed. But he didn't didn't seem to do anything in it but sleep as long as it was between my partner's chair and mine at our computer desk. He stays in our room with us and only goes in the lounge and kitchen when we are in there with him. He's been doing better ever since I brought him a special cat harness and taking him out for walks to get used to the area. So we're going to get him done this week to hopefully minimise his activity in the bladder area.
  9. You have 2 gorgeous little girls.
  10. Try looking at the video that was posted on the first page.
  11. It's funny how the males are the more attractive ones. I like the dad of first ct spawn. He's very vibrant.
  12. Aaaww! Bugger about the price, otherwise I'd be sure to take one off your hands.
  13. Gecko

    Young goldfish

    Try Here: http://www.goldfishinfo.com/identify.htm I hope that helps.
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