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Posts posted by Fruju

  1. Doubt you will make much if anything on plants, the store I worked at never bought plants off random people, only actual suppliers. Tbh, I wouldn't bother trying to offset your fishkeeping costs by providing fish/plants to a store, better to just work more/offer a more valuable type of product.

  2. Worked in fish retail and 100% it is bread and butter species that are of interest. Namely because if they can guarantee supply, provide quality fish, and undercut importers it makes sense to them. Sure if you can breed zebra plecs you might sell some, but how many people are gonna drop four hundy on a pleco? Most people just want the normal affordable ones. Either establish a relationship with a retailer or send them to multiple stores...however, this is unlikely. Hobbyists who supply stores tend to do so on a personal basis with the owner from my experience.

  3. Small arowanas are fragile and are likely to be harassed by aggressive cichlids. No one way to do things, but I agree with growing the arowana to at least 20cm before adding some young oscars and the JD. Definitely don't wait until the arowana is too large as they can be equally if not more aggressive once they establish a territory, and will then resist the addition of other large fish.

    Silver arowana will eventually outgrow that tank IMO.

    Need at least 8ft by 3ft to accommodate one long term.


  4. On 3/16/2017 at 7:27 PM, David R said:

    Wow, bit late to the party but awesome to see these being bred here!!! I'm incredibly disappointed I didn't grab some from Redwoods when I had the chance, but it looks like the species in safe hands with at least two good sized groups being kept by people willing and capable of breeding them.


    @Fruju you must have missed that great article in the last edition of Aquarium World magazine if you didn't know they were in the country! :P


    Haha. I did not know that the magazine was uploaded to the website. Hmm. Nice article btw.

  5. Hey guys, was wondering if anyone else bought these guys when they came in a few years back and still has them? I found them to be very slow growing but with a nice yellow colour.

    Will post a pic in the next day or too.

    Also did anyone else pick up the nice delhezi's and longfin senegals brought in by Aquaworld a little while back?

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