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Posts posted by Fruju

  1. I have an 8 month old leopard gecko that I am prepared to give away, however...

    She is not in good condition; over this winter she has lost a lot of weight and is very skinny right now - still has a little condition on the tail. She does eat (although hasn't eaten this last week at all) but is very unenthusiastic. She has been receiving calcium, enclosure kept warm etc, but she is not thriving. She shares her quarters with another female who is doing very well.

    I am unable to nurse her back into health and don't have the cash for vet fees right now. But I feel another reptile keeper may be able to bring her back into condition, the last thing I want is for her to die. She is a hi-yellow gecko.

    Pick up only. North Shore.


  2. Hi, bit of a weird request but to those people who are keeping polypterus (senegalus, delhezi, ornates etc) I would be interested in acquiring any DEAD specimens that you have (especially Ornates - larger the better).

    Want to experiment with preserving them, would post results on forum.

    Cheers. I am located in auckland.

  3. Yeah it is a fairly new 'morph'. Personally I like the look of them, not too silly looking like balloon shapes.

    That is a good price. Difference is that yours are Palmas Polli, the ones that came in a few years back were Palmas palmas/buttekoferi i think.

    Currently they are on a sinking marine pellet food I had left over, figured it is just as good high protein food.

  4. 190L tank would probably be fine for the time being, I doubt you could house much else with them once they get breeding?

    Yeah, I'd be stoked for a 10inch male; I think growth drops away more after 8 inches. I saw a 12inch specimen on MFK that was either 5 or 10 years old, its face was rather calcified.

    Hybrid is probably at least double the cubans size and inherited anger management issues from the flowerhorn side of things, attractive fish though, and I can see solid teeth on it too. I think I'd be more comfortable trying it on with more cichlids in the tank so that aggression is spread out, I want to get a large oscar or 2 as I feel they make excellent dominant fish - might be more dangerous if the hybrid was top dog.

  5. Would you consider raising the fry separately? Or just keep with the parents? Wonder if the babies would eat crushed flake?

    That is some good growth! Male should surpass the female soon, from what I understand most females top out at like 7 inches?

    Who knows, I frequent the MFK website which is run by Americans so I guess you just get used to it. Although I never get used to the gallons thing.

    Metric system does make a lot more sense.

    I have a flowerhorn x jag hybrid in another tank that is larger than my cuban but I'm not sure I want to risk the 2 together yet. Web seems to suggest cubans can hold their own?

  6. My one has hit about 3.5" now, fairly good growth rate from what I understand. 100% confidence it is a male.

    I tried a second one in the tank with him, but he didn't take kindly to it at all so will be sticking with just the one for now it would seem.

    How goes the breeding Hecticity?

  7. Oh wow, how big are they now? Look to be only 4 to 5 inches in those pics?

    Might pay to invest in a breeding tank for them if they start to get aggro.

    I hope you successfully breed them!

    Will get pics of my guy when he puts on about another inch.

  8. Niiice. Yours are looking fantastic, going well together then?

    No point putting pics up of mine just yet, he's tiny. had him about a week now but have noticed a bit of growth.

    Having a tough time deciding whether or not to get another in store, don't know the sex of them yet so could be messy...

  9. Mine is approx 1.5inches, gets fed minimum 3 times a day, regular water changes maybe twice a week (small tank for now), will transfer him once he gets some size.

    Only got the one for now, decided grabbing multiple could be risky until i knew their sex.

  10. Heya,

    My leopard geckos have been with me since March and have been champion eaters putting on a lot of size in that time. However, as of the cold snap last week they haven't been eating much at all and show little interest in the mealworms offered?

    Their tank has a heat mat and heat lamp on on side (where they spend 90% of their time), thermostat reads approx 30 degrees above the mat. Air temperature in the tank is probably mid-low 20s.

    Faeces look normal but just not as much right now.

    Is this a seasonal variation in food intake? Or am I missing something that could be wrong?

    On an unrelated note I am interested in obtaining a male for my ladies if anyone is selling?


  11. Often pairs will test the waters (pun not intended) to see what the partner is like. Wouldn't be too concerned, I think it could be worrying if the female was overly aggressive seeing as she is a bit bigger.

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