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Everything posted by alanco

  1. congrats for getting your own office! sounds like you have a good plan! :lol: :lol: :lol: you should try and create a little landscape in your aquarium something like this found on this website (check it out) -http://www.aquascapingworld.com/magazine/Magazine/Interview-with-Pedro-Pinto.html an idea you could have a fresh water shrimp thank too :lol: its something a little different- and that would go nicely with your Siamese fighter and they are great for attacking algae that may grow on your glossys, so they are not only great additions to your nano tank they help keep your tank low maintenance btw have a few shrimps if your interested in getting them off me just pm me or something :bounce: :bounce:
  2. this is such an exciting post!! (always checking for updates) your fish are looking great and your numbers are building
  3. wow thats a real nice set up you got there micah im glad you found your way into this forum, welcome
  4. the angel fish have spawned again ! soon i might be out run by baby angel fish :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. heya waterlogged, are the shrimp tollarating the heat change for you?
  6. wait!!! i just found a large group of hatched squiggly fry on a java fern leaf! i was wondering why the angel fish were always hanging out there and i realised that they moved the hatched ones to another spot! :bounce: the fry are doing pretty good sticking to the java fern leaf as for the guppies, i moved them to another tank
  7. haahh have you found the best one yet? 8) :lol:
  8. :lol: :lol: :lol: when you contribute a post on "You know you're addicted to fish when____" that is running 18 pages strong
  9. when your furniture in your home look something like this..
  10. your gf says your spend more time with your fish then her :lol:
  11. wow just looked through your post and your tank is getting awesomer ! and nice fish!!
  12. alanco

    Glass Cutting

    :lol: :lol: the last time i tried doing this (my first time) without reading up on it, i broke a 3ft tank worth of glass :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: because it kept on breaking the glass off the slit line.
  13. the babys are all gone !!!!!!!!!!! hmmm next time i probably should take out the eggs for sure, or let them bred in a tank of their own
  14. wow!! i didnt even know that white bait grew that big :lol: sorry for your loss you must have became so attached to it after watching it grow and keeping it for that long wow the idea of dissecting it reminds me of when we dissected rats and cow parts in high school :lol: :lol: it will be good to find out the reason of why it pasted away, that way you would possibly have the skill to be a white bait vet in the future
  15. i tend to find that female shrimps are larger and have much more colouring then their male companions
  16. hey!! alex! its good to see that the shrimps are doing good! how are the ones that you got from me are they doing well =) i have few coloured ones that i have up for swaps if your interested in them, as i only gave you clear ones pretty keen on some more plants too if you have some for swaps =) if you havent seen i have the pics up on my post http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=48900&start=15 btw how is your thesis going :lol:
  17. some of the eggs have hatched!!! =) :bounce: :bounce: and the parents are taking good care of them, some of the wrigglys are falling off and the mum has gobblies it up and puts them back on ! real cool to watch! im thinking about putting a sponge around the filter so that the frys will be safer .as for the guppies, they are staying awayy at the moment, as the parents are protecting them well the guppies dont seem that interested in eating them any way which is good
  18. My angel fish are doing well in my low populated community fish tank with a few guppies , this is there second try, the first time the angel pair tried, it was there first time ever spawning, and they did kind of fail a little bit , they ended up eating up all the eggs the next morning, but this is the second day/night that this second spawning has survived, so i think that it is going to be successful! the female angel fish has laid her eggs on a bamboo stalk and its doing pretty well only a few are turning white, so the water must be pretty clean, this is my second time breeding angels, after my first unsuccessful hatching, that all died like 3 days after they all hatched, i think it was because the water quality was bad, as i hadnt done that many water changes due to being busy but now that it is holis! i have time to look after the fish and hopefuly have a successful hatching and survival. i am not sure if i should keep the eggs in the tank till they hatch, because it is right next to the filter inlet, and there are guppies in the tank. the first time i bred angels i took the eggs away from the parents straight away, but now i kinda want the parents to look after the eggs and see them hatch. But scared that the tank with subtrate and few guppies, with a waterfall filter wouldnt be right for them. its coming up to the second night now and no sign of eyes in the eggs yet, giving some time to decide what to do with them. any suggestions?
  19. just wondering if any one knows why 3 of my female guppies have died 1 day after another , they were really fat and pregnant and looked as if they had alot of fry, but the females did not release them , and their anal area were popping out alot. i didnt know what to do with them or if they had a problem or not so i left them, after looking at them later after school, i saw that they had developed red colour like internal bleeding of some sort, and they were hardly swimming , laying on the bottom of the tank. 3 have died so far from this, and its sad because it seems that nothing can be done, because the females are holding on to the fry too long , maybe getting to big and stuck?
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJ5co_m4LA4 Funny. :lol:
  21. Best wishes to you Paul :bounce: happy 18th April birthday
  22. my local fish shop has a pump , i cant really remember but its a 8 or 10 out put air pump that is $80
  23. I've seen fish in a local lake that look like rummy noses too lol... I've always wondered about them
  24. Would it be physically possible for that goldfish to pop ? if it got anymore fatter?
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