My angel fish are doing well in my low populated community fish tank with a few guppies
, this is there second try, the first time the angel pair tried, it was there first time ever spawning, and they did kind of fail a little bit
, they ended up eating up all the eggs the next morning,
but this is the second day/night that this second spawning has survived, so i think that it is going to be successful!
the female angel fish has laid her eggs on a bamboo stalk and its doing pretty well
only a few are turning white, so the water must be pretty clean,
this is my second time breeding angels, after my first unsuccessful hatching, that all died like 3 days after they all hatched, i think it was
because the water quality was bad, as i hadnt done that many water changes due to being busy
but now that it is holis! i have time to look after the fish and hopefuly have a successful hatching and survival.
i am not sure if i should keep the eggs in the tank till they hatch, because it is right next to the filter inlet, and there are guppies in the tank.
the first time i bred angels i took the eggs away from the parents straight away, but now i kinda want the parents to look after the eggs and see them hatch.
But scared that the tank with subtrate and few guppies, with a waterfall filter wouldnt be right for them.
its coming up to the second night now and no sign of eyes in the eggs yet, giving some time to decide what to do with them.
any suggestions?