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Everything posted by newaqua

  1. Hi All. Does anyone know of where you can purchase a 240v float switch that will essentially cut power to your pump, before it runs dry? I have found larger ones designed for drinking water tanks and the like, but nothing smaller that would fit into a sump. I found a float switch, but it was for a relay. Does anyone know of "the whole package"?
  2. newaqua


    As its a non variable pump, my knowledge is that it sits at 23 watts the whole time, whether under load or not (I just put my tester on it, and it would agree). It currently is putting out 670litres at a head of 1.65 meters. When its only rated to 2 meters, and just under 1000 litres, I think thats quite good.
  3. newaqua

    Coral Rock

    Thanks Guys, another question also. Does anyone ever replace their rock in their tank, like if the porus rock slowly begins to fill up, therefore not providing the filtration as it once did. Thanks
  4. newaqua

    Coral Rock

    Hi all. Is it ok to clean dry, dead, coral rock in fresh water before I begin to cure it? It is really really dusty and stuff, and would like to avoid getting it in the water. Also, can I do a complete water change once it has cured, like a 100% change, will it be ok or not?
  5. Does anyone know the specific name of the selleys putty that you use?
  6. newaqua


    Ok, so I bought an Eheim Compact 1000. Awesome pump and really really small. Pumps away nice and quietly, with ample flow at quite a high head height, as well as being only 23 watts! Which I am very happy about. Thanks for everyones advice.
  7. newaqua

    Crushed Rock

    Crushed Rock. Hi all. Just wondering if anyone knows of a good place to get crushed rock. Its to go in the Sump, so crushed is fine. I thought I would ask if anyone has any lying around that they want to get rid of (obviously for a price) I would give them the option before I go to the store.
  8. newaqua


    Also, does anyone know of replacement part information. By this, I mean, do Aqua One Parts fit Via Aqua? do Sunsun Parts fit Via Aqua, or Aqua One? This sort of thing.
  9. newaqua


    Hi everyone. I am looking to buy a new pump, how does SUNSUN compare to others such as Via Aqua? I am after one with a minimum head height of 1.65m, and 300LPH. Has anyone had experience with Tempercon pumps that are listed on Trademe?
  10. newaqua

    Float Switch

    Awesome. What type of relay should I use for this? I have found these here http://www.omron.com/ecb/products/pry/121/g5nb.html I was going to use the 3A model. Does anyone know about relays etc? Is this what I should be looking for?
  11. newaqua

    Float Switch

    Hello everyone. Does anyone have ideas or know of brands for float switches. Just as a preventative measure in the sump to prevent it running dry is a worse-case-scenario. I am talking about a unit which you plug into 240v, and you plug your device into it, be it a pump or otherwise. When the water level drops, the device turns off. Any ideas??
  12. Taking Sump Water from the top of the tank. Hey all. Quick question as to taking the water from the top of the tank. I have 2 overflows, however, to make them quiet have 90 degree "elbows" that come from the hole in the wall of the glass, to just under the water level. So they are taking the water off the top 10-15mm level of the water. However, they are not actually taking it from the exact top of the water, as in the surface of the water. Is this an issue, with proteins etc in the water that may float? And hence may be around a while until they get taken in by these overflows??
  13. Thanks guys. I understand how protein skimmers work with air pumps and the like. What I was more hitting on is, do people use the water pumps that the protein skimmer incorporates to return the water from their sump to their tank. Or do they use a totally separate (from the protein skimmer, not driving the skimmer either) water pump to return the water from the sump to the main tank. I am talking about skimmers that you place in the sump here also.
  14. Hello All. Quick question, as I have never dealt with protein skimmers before... 1. Do protein skimmers come with their own water pump, or is it common? 2. Does the protein skimmer water pump return the water back to the tank or does the protein skimmer return the water to the sump, where another pump returns it to the tank. Sorry for the rookie questions!
  15. Hi all. I was wanting to know if it would be any good/harm if I put Sintered Glass Noodles in the Sump of my Marine Tank. I understand not using canister filters, however having a large pile of Sintered Glass Noodles in the sump must help for filtration??? Any ideas?
  16. It looks shockingly ugly, I have designed this setup from the ground up and everything is black, so trying to keep with it. Fussy, I know, but if I can help it.
  17. Hi All. I am wanting to know if anyone knows where I can find a Screw-in Intake strainer. This is for one of my custom tanks that I am building. I have been to two plumbing supply places and they only have stainless steel ones, I am looking for a plastic one. 3/4 - 1 inch thread size (I have adapters). Any ideas???
  18. Hi all. I was wanting to know if it would be any good/harm if I put Sintered Glass Noodles in the Sump of my Marine Tank. I understand not using canister filters, however having a large pile of Sintered Glass Noodles in the sump must help for filtration??? Any ideas?
  19. Hello All. Setting up my new Marine, or getting the equipment for it, and I need about 20kg's of dry/live (whatever I can get) rock. I just rang Redwood and they said $20 per KG! WOW! Does anyone else have ideas of where I can get ti cheaper, I was hoping for about $10 a KG, not $20!. Organism has it for $14 (from memory). Any ideas? Or does anyone know of someone getting rid of any/shutting down a tank????
  20. Ok, so how about cutting holes in glass for overflows etc. Does anyone have advice for doing this?
  21. Hello everyone. I am setting up a new Marine system, and am wanting peoples suggestions on Protein Skimmers. It has been a while since I have bought one, and thought that others out there might have a bit more of an idea as to whats the best these days. I have a gap, from the bottom of the sump to the roof of the cabinet of 600mm for the skimmer to sit in. The tank will be holding between 130-150 liters, dependent on how high I run the sump. I would like a unit that has a capacity of a little more. I have read that you can easily double up on capacity, so in this case, I should be looking for around 300 liters capacity. So what are the good brands?
  22. newaqua

    Fluval 405

    Hey all. I have a 405, that has been going well for three years. However is becoming slightly noisy due to the plastic piece attached to the magnet, just general wear and tear. The plastic part can be pulled very easily off the magnet. Anyway, does anyone on this forum trade new spares etc? The Fluval number is A-20172. Its the plastic and metal part together? Thought I would try to support anyone on this forum if they are trading new spares.
  23. Ok, so does anyone know of the type we can get here? Anyone who has them? Who stocks them?
  24. Hey everyone. The above listed fish (all the same as far as I am aware) are the ones used in fish spas, where they eat the dead skin etc from the body. Does anyone know if we have these in New Zealand? Is there already one of these spas open (which would indicate we do)? Or are they banned?
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