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Everything posted by newaqua

  1. newaqua

    Storing NSW

    Hi Everyone I would like thoughts on storing Salt Water. I am looking at putting a cube (they hold 1000L) on a trailer, and going down to the rocks to fill it up. My question is, how long do you think it will store in here while still being good? This much water would almost do me for a year of water changes, Im thinking about leaving it in the garage, and plumbing in an automatic water change system. Thoughts?
  2. Yea it's saltwater. I have never seen a fresh water cray apart from google photos, but unless they look identical to saltwater crays I would say with 99.9% certainty that it's saltwater.
  3. I know this is an old post, but does anyone know how Logan Brown are allowed to have small crayfish (50mm long) and other small fish in that tank? I thought you were not allowed to have undersized catch in your possession at all, live or dead. I went there last night and was amazed at that cool bar tank, but how are they allowed to do it?
  4. Hey Everyone I am not happy with the rock I currently have. Mainly because there are too many areas for stuff to get caught in. Every time I clean the tank, the amount of crap that I get from the nooks and cranny's is incredible. I know that every rock is going to have these, but the way this rock is, it just holds so much. So, I'm going to get some new stuff. Just wondering how long do you think it will take to cure? Its only a 50L tank, and I was thinking of adding just a small piece at a time over an extended period. Thoughts?
  5. Unfortunately he/she did not make the morning. This can be frustrating at times!
  6. Hey Everyone I came home from work today to find my osc clown lying on part of the filter with water trickling over him/her. It would appear that he/she jumped out of the tank and into the back filter area (60L nano Aqua One from memory). I found he/she still breathing, and put he/she back in the tank. After 2 hours he/she still does not seem to be much better. Lying on the bottom of the tank breathing fairly quickly. Every now and then swimming partly normally. If he/she comes back to acting normally, how long should this take? I have no idea how long he/she was out of the water. I would have thought after 2 hours I would see some improvement? Any ideas?
  7. Thanks for the offer but I want to keep them. I might just separate them for the time being. They already breed as it is, but if I could get two pairs breeding it would be even better!
  8. Hi All I have 2 male bristle nose. They have lived together for a while, but one has grown from a baby and is obviously now ready to mate with the female. Hence they are now fighting. Will this fighting continue, or will it eventually stop once they sort it out? Are they the type to duel to the death? Or will they stop before then? Cheers
  9. newaqua


    Hi everyone Has anyone ever seen these? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archerfish They look awesome, would be quite cool to see in real life. Are they available in NZ?
  10. Afternoon Everyone Can you get mantis shrimp in NZ?
  11. Thanks for the reply. Some good points here I had not thought about. I think i will mull it over for a while, and see what I come up with. Cheers
  12. Morning Everyone For some time now I have successfully been breeding Bristlenose plecs, and I was wanting to try something different. I have been looking at the Gold Nugget Plec (L018, L085) for quite sometime as a potential breeding option (I originally wanted one whne I started my current tank 5 years ago, but could not afford it). Does anyone have any advice, or suggestions? I am also wondering where I can find a male and female. It is my understanding that alot of shops are often only given one type (M or F) by their suppliers/breeders.
  13. Hey guys. It has been mentioned before, but I am wondering if anyone has come across a new way/idea for getting rid of scratches on the water side of the glass. I have a 200L tank here with course sand in it, which over the last 5 years has become scratched quite a bit.
  14. Hi all. Just wanting to know what you think. I am looking at storing my RODI water in a 20L 'Jerry Can'. The type bulk spirits and the like come in. It is white, opaque, not quite see through, but you can see the water level. Would this be ok? I will have my RODI setup to it. Does anyone have any ideas about mould growing or anything inside it? Anything I should be concerned about?
  15. How about an Automatic Shut Off (ASO Valve)?? I cant find one anywhere.
  16. Cheers. Maybe somewhere in NZ? The above website charge $21 USD for shipping!
  17. Hi Everyone. Does anyone know of where I can find a compact float valve? I have tried Mico to no luck, I would like one smaller than the one on trade me, here: http://www.trademe.co.nz/business-farmi ... 427977.htm Anyone have any ideas? Cheers
  18. Does anyone have an old round BBQ they dont want anymore? I need the round burner in them for a project at home. They have them on trade me, however I need one by Tuesday. Was hoping someone in Christchurch might have an old one lying round? They go for about $10 on Trade ME, so Im happy to pay for it. Cheers
  19. I am interested in the type that you find in/around rock pools, rather than the deeper water ones. But as there are not many pictures with matching names, I dont know what their species/names are.
  20. Hello All. Is there any online resource that anyone knows of with NZ starfish species WITH pictures? I cant seem to find much.
  21. Brand new system. Cycled in a barrel over three months, Been in the tank now for 2 weeks (the rock) Skimmer has been on system for 10-11 days 2 x Clownfish have been in the system for 1 week. I would love to post pictures here, however the last time I tried, it was more difficult than I could figure out.
  22. Hi All Ok, so I have had my Protein Skimmer going for about 10-11 days now. Initially, the first 3-4 of that were just with my cured rock in the water. Last Saturday I put 2 x clown fish in (small). Its a ~120 liters (including the sump). Its a brand new Tunze Skimmer. I have not got any skim yet. Should I? Is it just a running in period for the skimmer/tank? I have the skimmer adjusted so the bubbles are coming up just to the bottom of the cup, like the directions say. Ideas?
  23. Hi All Im about to start up a 150L system. Just fish and a couple of hardy corals for a start. Any ideas on the best test kit to get? I'm seeking value for money, and will be relying on frequent water changes to keep the water optimum. Cheers
  24. Hey everyone. Is it safe to put bricks in your aquarium? Are old bricks different to new bricks? I wouldnt mind putting a broken brick in the water is all. Cheers
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