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Everything posted by kokako

  1. Travelling Wilburys collection and also re-brought Tool aenema caught Rodger Waters last year at nth shore stadium, it was awesome
  2. wow, you're absolutely gorgeous! do you also cook and clean?
  3. I second this, if your windscreen wipers need to be on then so do you lights please, oh and in the waikato fog
  4. could try garden center or pharmacy
  5. kokako

    This or that

    chips poker or blackjack
  6. eastern rosellas were also released at otago harbour in 1910 when a shipment of caged birds was denied entry to NZ, population still exists there too i beleive.
  7. yes thats an eastern rosella
  8. thanks for the good advice yet again i meant to say 1cm of fish per litre. sorry I should be more specific :lol:
  9. hi, first time at breeding and i am wondering what size tank i would need to grow 40ish young firemouths up to about 5+ cm. have heard 1litre per cm which equals 200 litres is this right or can i get away with something a bit smaller if i do more frequent water changes. they are currently in a tank 75-30-35 cm and were born in march, they are about 1-3cm, is this a normal sort of growth rate for these fish? any help is appreciated thanks
  10. my partner tore an artery when she was little thanks to one of the old spring tramps, the doctors didnt belevie she did it on a tramp at first, they thought she had been in a motorcycle acciendent or something. however you cant go roof to tramp to swimming pool on the new PC safety netting ones, me and my brothers never had a serious acciendent and did all sorts of stupid things :lol:
  11. kaptiti island is the closest place to you (you need a permit from DoC) dont know what its like. tiri tiri matangi Island is a good place to see them, i think they have released them around the wildlife park at mt bruce too. best time to hear them is early in the morning just at day break
  12. some more pics of our birdies to share North Island Kaka Paradise Ducks and my personal favorite, North Island Kokako
  13. some more pics of our birdies to share North Island Kaka Paradise Ducks and my personal favorite, North Island Kokako
  14. here is a link i found about BBA when i spotted it in my tank http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/eeeeeek-vt50.html hope that helps
  15. sounds like its black beard algae, then siamese aglae eaters/black line flying fox are a fish that will eat it and control it to some degree
  16. why would you wanta spend over a million dollars importing 15 pairs of macaws and then release them and they would still have an impact on our ecology and can live for over 100 years what your saying makes no sence birds are very difficult to desex by the way i actually agree with BK just wanted to show the other side of the arguement (as did ask for it twice), but you are not making sence at all
  17. the price would remain expensive in the short term as these birds have a low reproducive rate and importing would be expensive. BK was suggesting bringing them in to boost blood lines. desexing birds that are being brought in to boost our very limited bloodlines doesn't make alot of sence
  18. are you implying you know who did this and are protecting them thats not cool :evil:
  19. well BK i think you answered it yourself MAF have done disease risk assessments on introducing birds and have decided it is not worth the risk. for example if New Castle disease were to get in it would cost the poutry industry multi-millions (it is in Ozzy BTW). other potental diseases include parrot pox virus and avian influensa + the unknowns. its economic as well as environmental reasons quarintine for birds would require unbias staff to man it, negative pressure systems to control airflow, so not airborne disease could escape, etc. so quarintine would be very expensive. the birds would remain expensive so smugglers would still be motivated, i think smuggling may even increase as it would be easier to explan where your new birds came from (i breed them from legally imported birds etc). As far as returning Macaws back to brazil, i think this is unlikely to happen from NZ for your example. as the Green Wing Macaws here are probably highly inbreed and many of the have been hybridized Scarlets (i do conceed that this is the result of not being able to import new blood lines to NZ). As far as these expensive birds not being released it is possible that some misguided animal rights activist releases your/someone elses birds because they think they are doing the right thing by freeing the birds. S-C toos, galahs, rosellas and rainbows lories have all established in NZ.(i think the rainbows have been culled) the most likey source is caged/aviary birds. wild S-C cockatoos and eastern rosellas are known to carry PBFD (these are facts BK). i agree that there is bias in the process. i guess it is to hard to stop ppl owning cats as too many ppl have them.
  20. Can you tell me where you got this info from? I'd like to read it. Personally i am not apposed to some importations,however i think MAF has a hard job to do and there is little motivation for them to let new organisms in. what do they get out of allowing us to import other than potential headaches? we should be greatful for the exotics we are allowed as it is a privilege. we do have some cool fish here just look at some of the pics being posted. :lol: Also we need to make sure we don't stuff things up for future animal keepers as new escapees will make restuctions tighter
  21. 1080 is nessacary or we will more species, we are still losing diversity. the point is this shows the massive cost of control once unwanteds get in tropical organisms could in some cases be acclimatised to our climate and become a problem. we do not until it is tested. it costs$ (some ppl even think the climate is warming too. lol) we need to be careful
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