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Posts posted by Foxjxa

  1. I won't be getting Dat's, so no worries there!

    I'm already paranoid my tank won't be big enough for them, I certainly wouldn't put a Dat in anything smaller than.... well smaller than a bigger tank than mine! That probably doesn't make sense. :lol:

    By the end of next week, the tank's residents will be 1 of each of the following:

    -Leopard Ctenopoma

    -Platinum Senegal

    -Chocolate Talking Catfish

    -Whiptail Catfish

    I was trying to make it a tank full of non-cichlid Africans, but I haven't actually checked where the Whiptail comes from... I'm guessing NOT Africa! I think the tank upper/middle regions will look be looking pretty empty too, so I may have to find something to go there. But for now I'm more worried about the lack of plants.

    We shall see!

  2. You're welcome to come visit me, although I really only have one 'real' tank... that isn't looking anywhere near as good as I want it to... but it has some oddball fishies! Also you'd get to see my new bubba Golden Sen 8) and Mr. Invisible...

    I'm about 15mins walk from the center of town, depending on those stupid pedestrian things.

  3. I went into Animates today to ask if there was anyway they could order an Albino Sen from one of their other stores, but apparently no other Animates store in the country has young albino's. :(

    So I started asking about what types of African Catfish there were, what was suitable, etc etc.... Decided on getting a Choc talking Catfish. When we went to check on their 'list' if they could order one in for me by next week, right in the middle of the 'list', in nice bold letters was Golden Senegal. :o

    After much giggling and not-so-much girlish squealing, it was determined that they are able to order in a 10cm bubba Golden/Platinum (whatever you want to call it) Senegal for me by NEXT WEEK!!


    So, as of next Tuesday, I will have a bubba Golden Sen swimming around my tank! Along with a 6cm Chocolate Talking Catfish and a teeny Whiptail. :roll: Those 'buy 2 get one free' deals are killing me...

    I am so EXCITED!

    Ok, now I'm done acting like a little girl... I hope.

  4. I was thinking of that, but I'm happy to wait. I've got both Wet Pets and Animates on the case... and surprisingly the latter is offering me the cheapest price!

    I must learn to be patient as well, no use getting my bubs to find out I have the wrong 'whatever'... plus it will be good to use this time to really grow out my plants/find real African plants and tankmates, etc etc.

  5. Thanks for all the help guys! :D

    I've just found out that I probably won't be getting my bubba albino sen until early August. :( (It's got a lot of quarantine time to do... oh and it has to be born first!) Which makes me think, seeing as I have the time, I might do a bio-type tank...

    Ctenopoma acutirostre - I picked up one of those yesterday, YAY! (they have HUGE mouths!)

    Also, Animates suggested that full-grown (and chubby) Black Line Flying Foxes would be suitable tank mates/cleaner crew... but they're quite thin and I have this horrible image of them being slapped between two buns and being eaten like a hot dog! :o

  6. Well I'm part-way through my tank renovation, at the moment it's looking pretty sparse plant-wise, but I'm waiting on some more ambulia and hoping mine will continue to grow in the meantime.

    The substrate is now builder's sand, and I finally added (what I hope will be) the last of the sand this morning, so it's still a bit dusty/sandy. The theme also appears to be pots.... as I couldn't find any cheap/free flat rocks that I could build hiding places out of, I decided to buy some pots, smash them up and sand down all the edges.

    Anyway, here's what the tank is looking like at the moment:


    With flash.


    Without flash.

    Also, on my journey around Palmy today, when I was looking for more ambulia (which no one had, btw), I started asking questions about a certain fish I've had my eye on... and ended up walking out of the shop with my latest addition. (Who was VERY hard to photograph!) I apologize about the poor quality, the link further on gives a more accurate idea of what he looks like.


    Meet Mr Invisible! Who seems to believe he really is invisible when he sits behind the heater.

    Mr Invisible is a Ctenopoma acutirostre, or Spotted Climbing Perch. His personality is what originally caught my eye at the LFS, and I've been 'crushing' on him for a few weeks now - so it's about time I took him home!

    Still waiting on the Albino Sen though. :(

  7. *Update*

    Added some more java moss, it doesn't look like much from this angle, but from above there's only a tiny bit of space in the corner for the otto!


    Almost as soon as I had finished rearranging the tank, my little guy was out and about chasing his 'Missus', (who seems to enjoy hiding in the moss now)! The poor Otto obviously felt a bit suffocated at first, but after a few mintues he settled down and munched on an algae wafer before going off to hide as well. :)

    No sign of any baby killie's* yet, but hopefully that'll change soon! *fingers crossed*

    *Lots of baby snails have suddenly appeared, however. The irony. :evil:

  8. I have just done a huge report at uni on "The use of 1080 as a pest control for possums in New Zealand" and I agree with some comments, they are pests, they are destroying the forest, but at the same time they are animals, its not their fault that the settlers released them for meat and fur trading. But then there is the fact that New Zealand's only native mammal is a bat and that all other animals are considered pests and pretty much can be destroyed with probable cause.

    NZ also has a HUGE feral cat problem. Absolutely massive, with cats roaming the forests and killing birds, the only difference between cats and possums though is that there are far more possums and possums also ravage the flora.

    I don't agree with any animal being shot for being what it is, but I do understand where the conservationists are coming from.

    I think I almost did the same report. ;)

    It is pretty shocking how much damage we humans have done to the NZ native habitat through the form of introduced pests. But, like it has already been said, it's not the pest's fault. So long as this possum is properly taken care of and cannot escape back into the wild, I see no reason why it should be put down.

  9. Snookie, I just re-read your comment about bucktoothed tetra and googled them - OMG! Those will definately be my 'killer' fish of the future. 8)

    Also, could anyone recommend a good algae-eater/bottom feeder to go with the bichir apart from your everyday BN?

  10. Well after 'umming', 'ahhing', debating with my flatmates and trying to rearrange my tank with my existing fish - I've decided to go with the bichir. 8)

    Yay, now I just need to get my hands on some dark substrate, a nice piece of driftwood and some largish rocks. Time to start renovating!

  11. i agree that they are aggressive fish, but i fail to think ur tank is too small, its after all 220 litres. 1. they take years to be fully grown,2. even if they are fully grown, u are lucky to see them exceed 35cm. ur 91cm tank is sufficient. u dont need a pond to have them.

    Ahh, you're going to make me want to change my mind, AGAIN! :lol: It's so tempting... but I think I'll wait. When I eventually get some, I'll want to get a pair and set them up in a HUGE tank with some other big fish for company.

    A nice project for the future, I think. 8)

    *adds to wishlist*

  12. I vote a!

    (justification: small fishes are boring,since they dont tend to change, its time to have a monster)

    and maybe some quality tigers!

    Tigers, as in borneo tigers, as in datnoids? Haha, I think my tank would be too small for one of them.... there's one at my LFS that I'm crushing on, I'm always checking their tanks for dead fish so they can feed one to him. But no, no tigers for me...yet.... :D

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