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Posts posted by Foxjxa

  1. I'm fairly sure she's not getting cold, as she would stop meowing as soon as the sun rose, (my room gets evening sun, not the morning sun so isn't particularly warm in the mornings!), and she sleeps surrounded by warm fluffy towels. I'll give her another blanket just in case.

    The little minx in purring away on my lap at the moment, just about asleep and not a peep out of her! I'm sure it's attention she wants.

    She'd better grow out of it! She's a wonderful cat otherwise, this meowing is not very becoming. :P

    I will continue trying to ignore her, it just gets very difficult after an hour of screeching. :(

    Would it be mean of me to move her toys, bed and blankets into the laundry - where her kitty litter + food is - for tonight? (No one goes in there in the morning, so she wouldn't get out until I let her out) I wouldn't be able to hear her then.

  2. Over the past couple of weeks, my 5 month old kitten has started to power-meow outside my bedroom door from 6am onwards, and I cannot get her to stop!! It's not a cute little meow either, it's the "WAKE UP NOW" kind of meow that never ends!

    It's not only me that she's affecting, either, my flatmates haven't complained yet - they sleep like logs - but she's getting louder and louder I'm sure she'll wake them up soon as well.

    If someone else in the flat gets up, she'll shut up for maybe 15 minutes, but then she'll pick a spot as close to my room as she can get and start howling again. When I get up, whether it be to put her outside, feed her, pet her, etc and then go back to bed, she tries to run into my room with me. Once I've successfully gotten into my room by myself, she'll stay quiet for a while before starting up the power meow again. Once I'm properly awake and let her in, she'll follow me around (somewhat quietly), curl up an sleep on me if she can, or play fight with whatever part of me is closest to her.

    For the first month I had her, she slept in my room with me at night. But she is quite loud in the mornings when she jumps up on my dresser and attacks my make up brushes - so she was voted out of the bedroom. She adjusted to sleeping on the towel-shelf fine, and has been sleeping there (or around there) at night ever since. I don't know what I've done to start this meowing wake-up call - but does anyone know of a way to make her stop?! She needs to learn I cannot give her attention 24/7. :(

    I keep her food bowl well-stocked, she has constant access to her litter tray. She has been spayed and she has several toys scattered around the flat for her use. Over the past couple of nights, I've been having to lock her out of the hall way (which is where I can hear her yowling from), but as soon as someone else wakes up, she's right back outside my door!


    ~Stupid kitty-spoiler!

  3. My Angels are definitely the dominant group of the tank, no question there. (I'm guessing it has to do with their being almost twice the size of my Rams ;) ) My Blue's tend to avoid conflict, after they sorted out who's who, I haven't seen any aggression from them towards other fish.

    I guess it really depends on the temperaments of your fish and the size/layout of the tank. (My Rams have lots of places to hide if the Angels get aggressive)

  4. I don't have Bolivian Rams, but when I introduced my pair of Blue Rams to my community tank (with a pair of angels in it), there was a bit of chasing/displaying until a hierarchy was established. Now they swim around together happily. I assume the same type of thing would happen with Bolivian's...


  5. Only just saw this thread! Welcome! :D

    I agree with Zev that you'll need lots of plants for the girlie to hide in. My boy gets a bit bossy at times too - but he always makes it up to her! Blue Rams are stunning though, you should definitely try getting a pair.

    That is a really nice tank, btw Zev.

  6. I just got a trio of bumblebee goby's today, so I can see why you like them. My suggestion... GET MORE!! :D

    Hehe, on a more serious note: Have you ever considered killifish?

    They're small, colourful and have some of the most interesting personalities I've seen in my fish. I'm hooked!

  7. Kuhli loaches! They are great, especially in groups of 3+ and they eat left overs, turn over gravel and eat baby snails. I couldn't think of a better starter fish...

    Other than my seemingly-invincible pleco. :lol:

    Or what about:

    Neons/other tetra

    Siamese fighting fish!

    Non-annual killifish (Australe Gold in particular, mine don't seem to notice the heavy current in my tank + they're pretty 8) )


    I can't think of anything else right now, but I HTH.

  8. But My Hello Kitty transformer will waster your pokemon's ass any day!!!


    Hell yeh

    LOL! Someone's been surfing the net too much! :P

    Any Hello Kitty transformer, even one that doesn't turn into a sewing machine, is just plain weird.

    You had a point about pokemon cruelty though. I wonder what it's like to be inside a pokeball. I imagine it's not terribly exciting...

  9. Hi all,

    I'm just about to set up what is going to be my clown killifish tank, and I'm a bit lost as to what type of algae-eater/clean-up crew type fish I should get to keep the rest of the tank in order.

    I'm hoping the killi's will breed in this tank and I plan on disturbing the eggs as little as possible; if they hatch, they hatch, if they don't, they don't, and I'd like a fish of some sort to help me get rid of food scraps and (hopefully) algae! I don't want said fish, however, to eat the eggs! :(

    I was hoping to catch some freshwater shrimp and use them, (I've seen they're good at 'looking after' killi eggs), but my friend and I turned out to be hopeless shrimp-catchers and I cannot find any FS locally.

    Now I'm thinking perhaps a couple of kuhli's will do the job. I'm rather partial to them, I have 5 in my community tank and they are the most interesting little guys/girls! But I know they won't eat algae and am unsure whether they will eat the eggs or not.

    I've got a small-ish Pleco I could put in (<8cm), but it'd dwarf my killi's and I'm almost positive it will eat the eggs as well, it already enjoys the meat pellets I put in, for my kuhli's! :evil: (Greedy-guts!)

    When I asked at Wet Pets, one of my LPS', they recommended an otto - but are they ok by themselves? I don't really want a school of them.

    Any and all recommendations are welcome :)

  10. Received all my new killie's today! (My flatmates kindly leave the poly-boxes outside my door)

    AquaNut kindly threw in an extra pair of Dageti! :bow: Boy, was I surprised to find 3 baby fishies swimming around in the Dageti bag - they are so tiny compared to my current Dageti pair! Gorgeous :D

    I ended up only getting one female Australe Gold (by choice), and she is HUGE! I'm guessing she's full grown, as she's twice the size, literally, of my current young female A.Gold. Mr Australe seems very happy with this new addition, and since she has been in the tank he has been following her around and mating with her almost constantly. I'm not too worried about this, as the new girl doesn't even seem to notice the little orange thing vibrating against her side, LOL! I'm also pretty confident that she could rip him in half if she really wanted to (she really is BIG compared to him)!

    So my stressed out female troubles are over! Mr Dageti (my original one) has accepted all the new Dageti under his fin and seems assured in his place as 'king' of the top layer of my tank.

    As a side note, the fish were delivered so quickly that I haven't finished setting up a breeding tank for my new pair of clown killifish! Which, by the way, are the most gorgeous killi's I've ever seen. [insert girlish squeal here] And the clown's are TINY! I don't think it's fair to even say they are 2cm long, which presented a problem when I realized I'd have to put them into my community tank temporarily.... :-?

    I ended up poking a bunch of holes into a small plastic container + lid and floating it in the community tank with the clown killi's in. I've positioned it so that it 'sits' just above my main filter and is held in place by my plants. They'll only be there for a couple of days, but I'm glad I took that precaution as my other (larger) killi's instantly started trying to attack the wee things through the plastic! My usually calm Angels even had a little try. They're safe for the moment, but I will be able to breathe a lot easier once they're settled into their own tank.

    :bounce: Thanks again AquaNut, loving the new fish! :bounce:

  11. You could try leaving out an alternate source of food for the falcon. E.g. Mice, meat, scraps... It should leave your doves alone then, you could even befriend it! Lol.

    Not really scaring it away, but it would certainly keep DOC happy to know at least one falcon out there's getting a decent feed. :D

  12. A one-eyed pirate fish...

    My flatmates would die if they knew of this!! If any of them make it to adulthood, I'd be keen to get one or two off you! (I know, I'm crazy, who would want a one-eyed fish?)

    They'd make great prezzies for the boys... lol


  13. Oh yeah, I'm always asking questions on TM. I've learned the hard-way that I've got to get all the info BEFORE I start bidding. :( But I guess that's always going to be a problem when dealing with people on TM.

    Also, sandysme, if I do get an extra pair of killis I don't have room for, I'll be sure to let you know. :)

  14. I see you won the tanks

    Sorry, what tanks? :) I seem to be losing all the tanks I want, haven't won a new one in a few weeks now. All the ones I want are either ridiculously overpriced or pick up only in Auckland or somewhere!! :evil:

  15. Hmm...

    Colour: Black, white

    Age: 18

    Other interests: Computer games, html, my partner, genetics, animals, ancient history, shopping and procrastinating. :D

    Other info: It's my first year out of high school and I'm flatting with my partner and a couple of high-school friends. Oh, and I'm a poor overworked student at Massey. :P

    I've been fish-keeping for barely 3 months! (Newbie alert!)

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