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Posts posted by Foxjxa

  1. Yeah they are. :(

    IMO they're not the best quality either. I wouldn't mind paying $25 for a male that has bright, full finnage and clear dark lines, but the ones there are pretty mediocre. Gah, I'm starting to convince myself that I should try breeding them!

    I'm hoping to get more off Tim, but he hasn't replied to my emails...yet. *crosses fingers*

  2. I bought them all off Tim via Trade Me; he has excellent quality fish by the way. I had originally purchased a pair of Striatum as well, but the female mysteriously disappeared (which may be linked with my guilty-looking kitty) and I just sold the male.

    Also at my LPS there's about 10-15 male Dageti of varying sizes and one largish female the last time I looked. So someone else may be breeding them in my area.

    If I do decide to have a go at breeding, it'll either be with my Dageti or A.Gold pair. Though I have a feeling my Albino's will produce more offspring... :-?

  3. I currently have 3 different species of killifish in my community tank, all paired up. I'm not actually looking to breed any of them, but I do like to see both the males and females together (I may be one of the few people to find female killifish attractive), though I may move them into separate tanks at a later date to really give breeding a shot.

    Anyway, all my male killifish seem to have reached sexual maturity (keep in mind they aren't full grown yet) and are stalking the females like horny teenage boys! :roll: The thing is, only one of my females (my Albino Gardneri) seems to be the right age (judging by her size) for breeding; she certainly doesn't reject her partner's advances, in fact the little tart will often initiate it! :P

    I haven't caught my Dageti pair getting up to any hanky panky yet, but Mrs Dageti seems quite comfortable in the company of her Hubbie, so no problems there, but she does get chased around by my frisky Albino Gardneri boy. Luckily for her, Mr Dageti soon sorts him out and they return to their respective 'spots' in the tank.

    My male Australe Gold, however, is like more like a heavily-intoxicated teenager looking for some action! He just won't take no for an answer. Mrs Australe is becoming quite the expert ninja, as it's either a) hide from Mr Australe or b) get 'jumped'.


    I'm looking at getting some more female killis of each species to ease the pressure on the ones I've currently got. I'm thinking of adding an extra;

    1 Albino Gardneri

    2 Australe gold

    3 Dageti (Not so much as easing the strain as filling up the 'top layer' of my tank - these are my fave's!)

    Note those will be females I'll be adding. What do you all think?


  4. My boyfriend started encouraging me to 'get out of my comfort zone' and do something.... and I blame Trade Me for this (I can't think how else it happened as I used to hate fish!)... I decided to blow my savings on getting a tropical fish tank!

    Ended up buying a $280 planted tank where half the plants were either dead or dieing, the top was cracked, the lid didn't cover it completely and the 'free' filter that came with it didn't work and made a LOT of noise. A complete rip-off and I didn't know any better. PLUS I ended up smashing it to pieces the other day when I upgraded to a 215L tank! (Custom-built this time and in perfect-working order) Hindsight is horrible. :(

    And barely two-minutes ago while I was browsing Trade Me again, looking at nice little (38L+) tanks to buy, said boyfriend decided that one tank was enough!


  5. Hi and welcome. I also hope the 'manly' names are repeatable in poilte company :lol:

    Lol! Yes, though I do get a few strange looks...

    For instance, my young male Albino Gardneri (the smallest of all my killifish) is called Tyrannacore.... my flat mates tend to yell it however, so it's more like "TYRANNACORE!!"! :lol: My two pleco's have also been named Thor and Sheeny. o.O

  6. Hi all,

    I'm somewhat new to the tropical fish keeping hobby (I've had my tank for just about 2 months), but it's already obvious to me and my flatmates that I've become addicted. :)

    I'm currently in the process of upgrading my 144L freshwater tropical tank to a 215L, so all my fish will have some more space as they grow.

    I'm a big fan of community tanks, although I'll probably make an exception sometime in the future when I eventually start trying my hand at breeding.

    Fave fish(es): Angelfish and Killifish (particularly Dageti, Australe Gold and Clown)

    It may be of interest to note that I'm the only Aquaphile in my flat, and so, to appease my 3 male flatmates, I've let them name the majority of my fish. (Yes, almost all of them have names, and yes, they are mostly very dramatic and 'manly') :D

    Woops, I went on for a bit there!

    Looking forward to participating in this great forum here.

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