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Posts posted by Foxjxa

  1. I was wondering if anyone here has had any experience with the Juwel Filter Systems before? I'm thinking of buying a tank from you-know-where and putting it in my room and was wondering what the noise level is going to be like? (I enjoy my sleep and don't want anything disturbing it!) :lol:

    Here's the description:


    The JUWEL Filter System offers reliable and effective two-stage biological and mechanical filtration, together with great ease of maintenance.

    As this Filter System is positioned inside the aquarium, no hoses are required, meaning no leaking connections.

    JUWEL power-heads are designed to ensure the effectiveness of the filtration system by supplying an adequate slow flow of water through the filter media. Due to the large volume of filtration material, this flow ensures a highly effective filter, which results in crystal clear water.

    If know one knows I'll just have to take the auctioneer's word for it. :P

  2. Update: (Because I'm too wrapped with him not to share!)

    She/He has settled in well, definately the most friendly fish in the tank - but only in the mornings and evenings. :D She's actually quite snobby the rest of the time and seems to give me the evil eye when I stop feeding her.

    She also likes to sit with her head in a tiny pot and the rest of her body sticking out and have what I can only assume is a catnap. :lol:

    The kitten is most pleased with the latest addition. 8)

  3. She really is addictive! And very much the evil dragon. :D The way they swim is almost hypnotic - or maybe that's just mine trying to avoid the grass...

    I've decided to fill the 5ft gap in my bedroom with a long tank for her and then get her a friend or two. Now I just have to save up to buy another tank. lol!

  4. It was sold to Animates as a Platinum Sen, so I am very disappointed in them. :( But it was still much cheaper than... the other place, so I didn't kick up too much of a fuss. I got given free stuff instead. :D

    She's already so friendly - although that may be food-related, she eats like a machine! I think I'm going to have to de-plant the tank as she gets bigger though, she's small enough now to squeeze between plants but I can see that in a few months she'll uproot them all by accident!

    Or I could just get another tank. 8)

  5. I finally got my little baby Senegal! (2 days late!)

    I have NO idea what sex it is, but I vary between calling it a he and she. I'm a little unsure as to what variation it is, though, as it's fine are clearly yellow, but it's eyes are pink - so whether it's just a weird albino or not is up for debate. The pic doesn't show it very well but here's my bubba:


    It should be noted that within minutes of being released into my tank, the little devil found some leftover food at the bottom and immediately tried to scoff the whole thing - only to find it was too big to swallow!

    Note to self: Cut pellets in half.

    I also picked up my Choc Talking Catfish and Whiptail Catfish, the latter of which has since disappeared into the jungle of plants. :o

    So that brightened my otherwise crappy day. :D YAY!

  6. I am a Scorched Earth Tank.

    When I have a mission, it consumes me; I will not be satisfied until the job is done. I have a strong sense of duty, and a strong sense of direction. Changes in the tide don't phase me - I always know which way the wind blows, and I know how to compensate for it. I get on poorly with people like myself.

    (If you were not a Scorched Earth Tank you would be an Asteroid.)

    LOL :lol:

  7. It clearly said on the list, and I had this confirmed, that it is a 'Golden' (not Albino) Senegal I placed an order for - which are twice the price of Albino ones, so I assumed they were the same as 'Platinum' Sen's.

    But I guess I won't really know until Tuesday, the store has never had them in before so can't give me all the info I really want. If it's got pink eyes, I'll know it's albino and certainly won't be paying the full price. :evil:

    My substrate is your everyday normal grey sand... maybe it'll turn out to be a goldy-white colour? :D

  8. Hey, welcome to the forums!

    Look on the bright side - at least the fish died early and not after years of bonding with them. :-? It could always be worse.

    And you've made the brilliant decision to come here! Your fish will thank you for it one day I'm sure. :lol:

  9. It was listed as Golden, but I was then told they're also called Platinum.... which sounds 'posh'-er so I like saying that! Should I just call it Golden? :oops:

    Either way it should turn out to be white-bodied with yellowish fins and black eyes. But I won't know for sure 'till Tuesday. I'm not fussed so long as it's healthy and doesn't hate me! :D

  10. Congrats! Maybe you can even get them to breed if they're the right gender - that would be fantastic! 8)

    Here's hoping they remain the best of friends, don't forget to post some pics!

  11. Yeah, I've seen them talking and vibrating - very very cool fish. 8)

    Well at least now I can stop fretting over where fish come from, Robin from Animates now thinks I'm insane.

    Robin: Just get those fish, they're big enough.

    Me: Nooo, they're not from Africa!

    Robin: Get cichlids then?

    Me: Nooo, I don't want cichlids!

    Time to go hunting for more oddballs.... :D

  12. give them to meeeeeeeeeeeeee

    And meeeeeeee! ;)

    Kuhli loaches appear to eat the baby snails, so you oculd get a few of them if you don't want a snail-eating monster running rampant in your tank, it would at least stop them from breeding... then you could pick out the adults at your leisure (and then give them to me ;)).

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