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Everything posted by kiwis

  1. kiwis

    NSW Replacement

    thanks- great response. and you use marine salt from the local fish supply shop to increase the NSW salinity?
  2. kiwis

    NSW Replacement

    whats a EO/DI unit?
  3. kiwis

    NSW Replacement

    a drip system would partly solve this? obviously the drip supply needs topping up as i wouldnt use tap water. how do you guys get your RO water?
  4. So I'm finally looking to set up my Marine Aquarium and plan to use NSW. My question is. Over the course of a week water will evaporate from my tank leaving a more salty water base. When I do a 20% water change using NSW it'll just replace some of the fresher water with normal balanced NSW making it slightly less salty again - but overtime I will get away from the perfect balance (rather quickly I would think). How do I bring this back to a normal balance? I assume using marine salt? Is that correct? How does one calculate how much new salt is required to a a tank to balance it correctly?
  5. kiwis

    co2 systems

    has anyone got or used a good but affordable co2 ststem. ive got a 500L tank with a DIY system made of sugar yeast and baking soda. whats the fluval system like?
  6. And if they are high how do I resolve?
  7. Okay plenty around, my question should be what should they be?
  8. So I need a test kit for that - what am I looking for on say hollywood 's website
  9. When the fabric cover is on the glass viewing area and artificial light is off - very little, only sneaking through the lid When we get home at 5pm day light plus 4x T5 lights -day light is not direct sun light but the room is bright as there are plenty of windows but never direct sunshine and not even close
  10. Algae!!!! I could think of the word lol so I cover my tank up during the day and have the light on for 7-8 hours. I can cut the light back an hour but wonder if something else is wrong? I have a planeted end aquarium could it be too many or too little fish?
  11. I have a tropical fresh water tank and I do a water change weekly. I change 20% or so of the water. Each week I get a fine but clear layer of green mould on my viewing glass How can I reduce or prevent this? My tank is 500-600 litires
  12. kiwis

    Small Tank

    I'm thinking about starting my first saltwater tank - i was thinking of making it very small 50cm * 50cm * 50cm. With this size do i need a sump or will and external filter work? Do I still need a powerhead and protein skimmer? Is it too small and will I struggle with the "perfect balance"? from experience from freshwater the bigger the aquarium the easier to maintain
  13. kiwis

    Reef Start Up

    So they sump can be any size? Is there a minimum size you would want to use?
  14. Doesn't this introduce parasitics and other nasties to your tank? Do you have a reef tank?
  15. kiwis

    Reef Start Up

    How much coral?
  16. kiwis

    Reef Start Up

    Yes and I believe Royal Oak is the best. Any others?
  17. kiwis

    Reef Start Up

    I'm going to start up my new reef aquarium in the coming weeks/months. I've had a freshwater 1000 litre tank for 6 years now and want to branch into marine now. My first tank will be about 250 litres. I'll be asking a series of questions and realise many of these will have various opinions and I'm looking forward to weighing through them all. To start with 1. I'm in Auckland. Are there any public Marine speciality shops around? 2. Are there any good online retailers in NZ (fish as well as parts)? 3. Are there any and who are trusted TradeMe retailers? 4. What's everyone's recommendation for sump size on a 200 litre main tank?
  18. Okay so when I read / post similar questions on internationals forums am I hit with a big no no Just trying to figure out what is best..
  19. is that yes to both questions?
  20. kiwis


    I have found the ANKA range at Bunnings http://www.bunnings.co.nz/search/produc ... ctFrom=Any They have a tank fitting, my only question is how can I connect these to a straight and firm PVC pipe for my overflow bar inside my tank?
  21. And I can keep tropical sat water fish with this method? also is this common/successful ?
  22. kiwis


    what pipes connect to these tank fittings and where do I get this time? I'm guessing PVC pipe?
  23. kiwis


    I'm unsure - I've got a tank builder buying one. Are they called bulkheads I can't find a website with anything like it
  24. kiwis


    I want to plumb my tank though the base? before I drill my glass I want to purchase some bulkheads. Where can I get these from? I've been to Bunnings and couldn't find anything.
  25. Waiwera / Hatfields/ Wenderholm :thup: So do I need to do anything to do the water? I've read stuff from offshore forums around chlorinating the water then dechlorinating it... Is this true? Can I keep the tropical salt water guys with this method?
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