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    livingart got a reaction from kiwiraka for a gallery image, IMG-20161113-150853.jpg   
    Parazoanthus elongates, the yellow zoanthid anemone, a common species around NZ subtidal reefs down to 50 m depth. It forms colonies which are often found growing over  sponges or corraline algae. 
    Mark Paterson
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    livingart got a reaction from kiwiraka for a gallery image, Jimmy   
    Dwarf Scorpion fish
    Mark Paterson
  3. Like
    livingart got a reaction from kiwiraka for a gallery image, 57e8e70b62147-bighermit.jpg   
    Credit Alex Bradley for the pic.
    Edit credit Jess Reid
    Alex's phone is an Onion
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    livingart got a reaction from hovmoller for a gallery image, Octopus huttoni   
  5. Like
    livingart got a reaction from kiwiraka for a gallery image, Octopus huttoni   
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