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Everything posted by moonwitch

  1. Yep they have fined them heavily sent them home, and banned them from NZ for life.
  2. Ive had my fair share of experiances, and now Im used to the little visitors I get. I even have some photos Ive taken that have extra critters or people in them, that werent there when I took the pic. Makes life ever so interesting.
  3. I luvs Castlepoint, and used to live at Riversdale beach (born in Carterton). We park our bus up there whenever we can. Cool pic's. Bought back memories.
  4. I even have ferry tickets too if anyone wants to travel up from down yonder.
  5. Anyone going to ACDC this week?? I am, and I also have a couple of spare tickets if anyone is interested?? Willing to trade. Seated...28th Feb...this thursday in Wellington. It'l be great seeing the older buggers in action again.
  6. Ive raised a few inside, and I trained mine like a puppy, and they even slept in their own crates at night like the dogs, and had toys etc. They now live outside, as they are way to big to come inside. My blue boar was untrustworthy with strangers, and at 300 lb was a force to be recond with.
  7. Have set up a 5 foot tank with 2 RES residing in it, and want to know which would be the best filtration for it.
  8. When you dont need to turn on any lights in your house lol, as the fish tanks light up the whole place.
  9. Ive been called Moonwitch for years, and do have the witches broom packed at the front door ready for those moonlit rides at night lol.
  10. Great pond, well done. Love those rocks. Mine is still in progress, 50,000 litres (yes 50,000 litres) and 7k later, and I still havent stocked or planted it yet!!! Hired a big digger and he dug me a kidney shaped pond. Its nearly a lake lol.
  11. Try www.petbus.co.nz This lady does a great job transporting all sorts of critters from the North to the South. Met her myself, and can definatly recommend her.
  12. I have over 30 hours now, and plans for more lol. When I figure out how to post pic's, I will add some. I gave my grandaughter a new doll for her birthday last year, and she promptly went and coloured in her dolly's arms like mine lol.
  13. Pig hunter and Deer stalker here........and do have a couple of shooters. 270 and an old 40-40, a mossberg shotty and several .22s. Oh and an old 308 that hasnt been used for a long time.
  14. Congrats Repto......Well done, they are pretty damn cute.
  15. We will also keep an eye and ear out down here. We have had dogs stolen before ( and got them back ) I beleive in Karma, and hope they get their fair share. I also know people cant keep secrets for too long, so word will get out, and here's hoping you get her back.
  16. Isnt she beautiful........... I too have just been given my daughters turtle, about the same age/size, and I was told she's a she lol. I have her set up in her tank, but what do I use for the bottom?? Large stones or slate rock etc?? I see some at the Pet shops with gravel, and told this was a no no. I would love to see some pic's of everyones set ups, or has this been done and I cant find the page?? Cheers
  17. I have just aquired a 20cm Pleco, as he has just been evicted for sucking onto and killing a friends discus. I saved him from being cat food they tell me.
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