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Posts posted by je_suis_ketan

  1. Was considering that Caryl, but then the heater power cable would be running across the tank still :-? Damn heaters and filter lol. I like tanks as natural looking as possible. Might shift it along next time I have my arm in there and see how it looks

    When I set my tank up, LFS told me that I should keep the top end (with the nob to adjust the temperature) out of the water. In your pic it looks pretty well submerged :o

    Just a question, you have really fine gravel on the bottom with bigger stones on top, what's the reason for doing that?


  2. Hey just a word about the Clown Loaches from my experience.

    I had 2 CL's and hardly saw them at all. I got 2 more and put them in the tank and boom instantly they are all out and about in the tank.

    I have read that 6 should be the minimum you put in a tank, so I tried to step it up from 2 to 4 to see what response I'd get before putting 6 in there.

    So what I'm saying I guess is prob better to get more than 2-3 of them.

    Hope it's some useful information for you. :D

    Good luck :bounce:

  3. I've heard different things. Some people have said that their two females killed the male.

    Other people have said their male killed the two/three females.

    I think it depends on the fish themselves. :roll:

  4. I have a 3ft (200L) tank community tank.

    Currently with

    10 Neons,

    10 Emerald Eyes,

    6 Pearl Gourami,

    1 Dwarf Gourami (one passed away recently :cry: ) ,

    1 Male Betta,

    2 Clown Loaches,

    2 Red Spot Plecos.

    I would like to get a few more Clown Loaches as mine seem to be a bit shy, they are getting better though. But still hide when someone comes near the tank.

    Always looking for something new for the tank 8)

    My sis wants a small tank to house a single Red Male Betta, so am looking around for suitable tanks for her.

  5. Is it new food and what sort?

    Will have to ask and find out. She said that its taking over the tank. The fish has got pink explosive diorreha or something.

    I said best thing would be to ask at her LFS.

    She's in Wellington though :cry: , so I haven't seen it for myself.

  6. hey all, I recall that when I first signed up and said hi, I said I would post pics soon. Well soon didn't happen but I took a couple of pics of my tank lastnight.

    Here is the tank


    and here are my two Pearl Gourami's Bert and Ernie


    Tried to take pictures of Neo, my Betta, but he wouldn't sit still long enough for the camera to focus. :roll:

    Then I put my finger against the glass and he just stared at it but I couldn't take a pic without shaking the camera!!! :-? :cry:

    Chur chur 8)

  7. I would recommend Pearl Gourami's. Mine seem to be really chilled out fish. :bounce:

    Funny wee characters too :D

    I fink 150L would be big enough to put them in but somebody correct me if I'm wrong :-?

  8. Last night I noticed my male dwarf gourami has made a massive bubble nest that's actually bulging on the surface of the water :o

    But he keeps everyone away from the nest, including the female . :-?

    If he doesn't mate with the female how long could I expect this behavior to continue?

  9. Actually that makes a bit of sense. I did notice a bunch of bubbles in the plants.

    Don't know if I can be bothered raising the tank temp and doing the water changes I've heard about to get the dwarfs to do their thing. :-?

    Might just see what happens over the next few days.

  10. Last night I noticed all my Gourami's acting really edgy and chasing each other around (more than usual :-? ) They include male and female Dwarf Gourami's and 2 Pearl gouramis. Normally they chase each other round a wee bit but I think they are starting to get really territorial now.

    It's freaking out my other fish :o

  11. Ok so bettas and gourami's not recommended... I want gourami's more than the bettas so I guess I'll go with them.

    I've got a Betta with 2 pearl gourami and 2 dwarf gourami and they get along wonderfully. I was a bit worried about putting them in but the gourami's keep to themselves really and don't bother my betta.

    I do have a 200L tank though, but usually they do swim around in the same areas and don't really chase each other around. I think the most worried I got was with the 2 dwarf gourami chasing each other around (1 male and 1 female).

    But it's up to you if you want to give it a go.

  12. Wow, that is really cool!

    Hmmm, this is looking dangerous for my wallet!!! :roll:

    I have one fighter and it would look really cool if their were more, but this being my first tropical tank I'll leave him on his own. I still have a lot to learn :D

    But yea, will probally get some more Loaches cause I really would like to see a lot more of the cheeky guys :wink:

    On that note, man they are fast swimmers!!!! 8)

  13. Hey all,

    I've got a question of my own.

    I've got a pair of Clown loaches but they seem to hide for most of the day. I do see them occasionally, but very rarely. :cry:

    Is their anything I could do to try and coax them out without getting more for the tank?

    My current tank is 3ft (200L).

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