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Posts posted by je_suis_ketan

  1. Hey I just had a question michael, do you find that your fighter gets along alright with the sword tails?

    Just considering them myself. Though everyone in my tank has been chosen if they would get along with my fighter lol :D

  2. Yea, they look healthy to me. No whitespot or anything that would indicate that they aren't.

    Mine also sometimes sit on the log, lay on their sides and generally chase each other around the tank.

    They really are an interesting fish to watch for behavior.

  3. :hail: I know they are found in coral reefs around the world but what reefs and where exactly.

    Ness :bounce:

    When you say Tropical do you mean fresh or salt water?

    Fresh water fish won't come from coral reefs.

    Any particular breeds of fish you want info on? If you do then try a search on Wikipedia (http://wikipedia.org/) I'm sure there is a tsunami of info there.

  4. Hey all, I've read and seen my clown loaches lying on their sides when they are just chillin out. But has anyone else seen their loaches hovering vertically, sometimes on the corner of the tank.

    I have 4 and I've seen all of them do this at some stage.

    All the fish look healthy but was just wondering if anyone else has noticed this behavior? To be honest it looks quite cute when they do it, a bit like a puppy standing up to get attention :lol:


  5. they have been to 4 petshops so far and they have got my phone number (the guy that got raided had my number in his fishroom) but i haven't got any danios so i am waiting for a visit or a phone call.

    ouch, that sucks.

    I was in Chch last year, but only had goldfish at the time so didn't really know any of the places to go.

    I did however wander into Organism which was a really cool store IMO.

  6. Cool cheers guys. I have been washing the sponges in the tap until now, but when I do I don't do a gravel vac. The reasoning behind that was that if I'm flushing out the bacteria in the filter, I'm not sucking out the bacteria from the gravel.

    But will do a rinse out in the tank water. Do you find that the gunk just makes a mess in the tank though?

  7. Hey, I'm just wondering how often people clean out their filters.

    I was advised not to do it too often as it gets rid of the bacteria in the filter, but I find that my filter gets clogged up with a slimy brown gunk pretty quick (2 weeks) shortly after it does't really have the guts to suck water through because the pads are full said brown gunk (4 weeks).

    BTW it is a Fluval 4 i think.

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