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Posts posted by je_suis_ketan

  1. I reckon some of the live music I've enjoyed the most has been Bands that I wasn't that big a fan of but just went along with mates. Eventually became a fan of the band I went to go see :)

    Though I do splash out for bands that I am a big fan of, really looking forward to the Foo's concert in May 8)

    Unfortunately I missed out on Muse in Nov because work sent me to Melbourne :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

  2. I had this problem last week where my inbox wouldn't load. After waiting a Lonnnnnngggg lonnnnggg time it said I could open it in HTML mode or what ever the downgraded mode is called.

    Read the F&Q and it told me to delete my internet cache as sometimes the files become corrupted.

    I did this and the problem went away.

    I found the Gmail Help very easy to use.

    P.s I'm a big fan and have been registered since it was invite only too 8)

    Are you still having trouble?

  3. I found that when I had 2 Dwarf Gourami (one male one female), the male constantly harassed the female. Then it became better once I put 6 pearl gourami in the tank. He decided to chase the bigger fish around :lol:

    I might suggest getting more to spread the aggression out amongst a larger group?

    I'm not sure about the other fish in the tank sorry.

    Though 6 is a good number for clown loaches, but the more the merrier. You will see them more often :wink:

  4. I've kept 1 male and 1 female in a 200L community tank for a while. The female gets her fins nipped occasionally but she is really tough.

    I've heard different stories too, someone kept 1 male with 3 females and the male killed the females.

    Then I've also heard of females ganging up and killing the male.

    Totally depends on the fish.

  5. Hey all,

    I was just gaining some interest in Killies and wanted to know a few questions.

    I have been doing some selling of my fish before planning on moving out of town and want to do a different kind of setup.

    Currently I have a 200L tank.

    Wanted to know what tank mates are suitable for Killies? Are they a good community fish? In particular Clown Loaches and Bettas or Angel fish depending on which I end up choosing.

    How hardy are they?

    What sort of temperaments do they have? (Also are they fin nippers?) Do people keep them with Bettas? Are they a good community fish?

    Do these questions vary greatly with species of Killies?

    If I was to get a smaller tank and try to breed them, how difficult is it?

    Any other important info that I should be aware about regarding Killies?

    Sorry if these questions sound like they get repeated but I find it hard to get straight answers to them.



  6. Cool thanks. I would try and give it a go but I'm not sure if I'll be in moving soon so I don't want to get tanks/new fish just yet.

    Will see what happens, at the most I might try the hatchery and see how it goes.

    It is very cool to watch though.

    Might have to do a bit of reading and research into it.

    Is it bad for the female to be full of eggs but not end up mating?

  7. I just came home this morning and my flatmate noticed my fighters attempting the unthinkable :wink:

    Problem is I only have on tank which is my community and can't afford a second.

    Both Male and Female are blue Veiltails with slight red colouration in the fins.

    Anyone got any suggestions as to what I should do? Or just let them attempt it?

  8. What type of Gouramis are they?

    I use to have a bit of problems with my Male Dwarf Gourami's being agro to all the other fish but my Male fighter didn't have any bar of that and put him in his place.

    The Fighter doesn't really bother any other fish. My Pearl Gourami's and fighter get along fine. I don't have the 2 Dwarfs anymore because they mysteriously died :cry:

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