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Everything posted by HaNs

  1. Nar those would be crabs :lol:
  2. Had one of a similar design and i leaked around the primer. Gave it away. Will never buy a random brand filter again.
  3. usually white bugs, tiny things Bit about my setup and problem/s http://fishkeepers.co.nz/forums/viewtop ... 0&start=25
  4. keep it dry and try not to over feed, noticed mites in mine last week.
  5. Sodium Bicarbonate increases KH and doesnt have anything to do with CO2 levels as i remember
  6. Light hood mod http://fishkeepers.co.nz/forums/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=52
  7. PMDD + flourish excel + good lighting + good substrate and your away laughing
  8. Paint ball ones are no good. $200 2nd hand... Not cheap
  9. Bigger the better Try and get a fire extinguisher bottle, would be around $200 if certed. Then another $200 for reg and solenoid.
  10. Find the Amano graph of lighting Dont bother with intense lighting on a planted if you dont have injected CO2 IMO
  11. Stick some real cars in the mix i say 8)
  12. Plecos + bichir = fine Both are quite chilled out fish
  13. How old do you think i am? Love the coromandel, have a batch at onemana.
  14. Whats your address? Just joking
  15. They are around $4 at bunnings as i remember, got some 3 weeks ago. Mine are 6.5k 8)
  16. The new ballasts run quite cool, all the heat is from the lamp
  17. Wont save power as they are inefficient
  18. yes just dont touch them when they are running... the only heat issues you may get is water temp being to hot in summer
  19. You dont need a fan... Get a 12v DC PSU(computer power supply) and run 12v computer fans if you want to waste money
  20. damn, may go monday then want to drop some cliffs and do some chutes/traverse some dodgy stuff and get the heart going!
  21. Sick Fully going in the morning Soft enough to drop rocks then?
  22. 400w is over kill... I can do MH kits if needed. Its the bulb that will make it suitable for corals...
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