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    Auckland (Beach Haven)

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  1. I guess it depends where / how you grew up. Growing up on a farm (or in a rural community), you come to understand how the world goes around. Pet lambs, yum yum Eating tropical fish? Bit harder, since they are with you all the time, a sheep, its still a mass of wool that follows you around because you give it milk That behaviour changes after about 2 years, no longer do they want to be anywhere near a human, because it dosent provide food
  2. DO NOT HAVE THE GUN IN PUBLIC PLACES OR THE POLICE WILL KICK YO' BEHIND!. That being said, airsoft aka bb, or airsoft aka paintball? You need to be 18, or have a firearms licence to buy bb guns, not sure about paintball.
  3. I believe I can touch the sky, Every night & every day... *start humming* Doh
  4. Anyone up for a copy of Windows NT4 for workgroups manuals?
  5. I'm keen. Just have to work around golf and work, but i'll give a hand where I can ... Wher the heck is cockle bay?
  6. Ground floor should be OK, but on upper levels... heh. Can you get under the house and have a look at where the piles are?
  7. I had an 1800 LPH pump pop off the pipe.. Emptied out my entire sump into my bedroom. Mnn 150L of saltwate
  8. Yup, which has been on fairgo twice that I know of for mis-represenatation (sp lol) of products
  9. I try and use 95 octane when i go on longer trips, more power = good
  10. So, pics. With Flash Without Flash Orange Shoulder tang. Side of tank. I'm still not happy with the water clarity, but... I think i'm going to need to run filterwool to try and clear it up
  11. Flatmate has an ehiem with a venturi and the noise of the bubbles can be frustrating...
  12. Actually, i'm surprised that the no.1 song is smells like teen spirit. Amazed actually.
  13. I'm going to laugh @ RC helicopters. Crashed yet? I bought one 2nd hand (Kyosho gas), cheap as chips, replaced a couple of servos, and then about the 20th time flying it, got caught by a gust of wind, flipped over and landed rotors first into the ground. Repair bill of 3k+, I laughed.
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