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Posts posted by flatfish

  1. I think despite their large potential size the L203 still grow fairly slowly, would take years and a huge tank to get them anywhere near 2'.

    you may well be right but there are a great fish for those with very large tanks and even if they only got to a foot they would still be impressive. They must also come close to being the biggest pleco available in New Zealand

  2. I've got a couple of plecos at the 20 cm mark. My goldies aren't as big as KP's but the two biggest have just hit the 20 cm mark. I've also got a couple of leopard cactus plecos that large.

    What ever happened to the titanic plecos (Panaque schaeferi, L203) that came in a while ago as Papa Panaques? They reportedly get to 60 cm and they should be getting to a good size now.


  3. I would put money on it being the krib, what size is it and is it m/f? also you should really have something for your plec to hide in eg. a piece of driftwood or a terracotta tube, thats what I use, the plec might clean the tank then coz he won't be so stressed.

    I agree plecos need somewhere to hide. He may have even damaged himself trying to force himself into the flower pot. A 20 cm royal is a big pleco but I'm sure a piece of PVC pipe (not the classiest looking ornament) or a large cave would help. You royal should also have at least one bit of bogwood in the tank to munch on as its part of their diet. If you put in more objects for the other fish to defend then there are less likely to be issues.

  4. Emailed with the owner and she wrote back that they wont get them in anymore coz they are high risk (?) and haven't sold that good.

    They might chance their mind if more people ask for them...


    If they were able to bring in pairs of reasonable quality black-bars and tiger 'endlers' I'd certainly be keen. I know we are unlikely to get the real deal but I'd like some better quality fish.

  5. I have some 'Endlers' from Redwoods. They are a great looking fish, some with 'typical' Endler looking patterns, others with the tiger patterning which is impressive. I'm in the process of breeding them up so it will be a while before I have any available. The ones on the TradeMe lisiting are at best very poor 'Endler' crosses and are not worth buying.

  6. If you want to reduce issues including agression I'd stick with smaller species which are not known to be overly agressive. The small Panaques (clown plecos, Iquito tigers, tiger plecos, flash plecos) are mainly plant/algae eaters and need wood in their diet. The various varieties of common bristlenose (i.e. regular, albino, calico, and I suspect GBA's) would look great together. They all come as long finned forms and would do well with the small Panaques. You can also keep Peckoltias (big band tigers, Peckoltia brevis) together with some Hypancistrus (chocolate zebras, king tigers). Males of all species can get a little stroppy with other males, particularly ones of the same species, or similar patterned ones. Make sure you have plenty of cover (wood, rocks, ornaments, etc.) and I like to separate piles of wood or rocks apart to give fish that are picked on a break. You shouldn't have many issues at all until your plecos are mature.

    Hypancistrus (chocolate zebras, king tigers, queen arabs, zebra plecos) will readily interbreed and produce fertile hybrids.

  7. Thanks Cricketman. It sounds like the problem has been sorted. I used to catch heaps of them in the Waikato while fishing for koi and I thought they had to be destroyed, well at least the koi had to be. At least this might stop another auction on TradeMe.

  8. Thanks for the clarification cricketman. Sounds like they might be legal...... although the title is misleading, $80 per fish seems a bit excessive, and I'm sure that MAF doesn't want them sent around the country to establish new populations. Still sounds dodgy to me.

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