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Posts posted by flatfish

  1. yeah I agree I guess they have a similar shape and pattern but quite different beasts. As L.A. says head standers (Family Anostomidae) include Anostomus spp., and others such as Leporinus spp. (eg. banded leporinus) and the marbled headstander (Abramites hypselonotus), while pencil fishes (Lebiasinidae) include Nannostomus sp. and a few others.

  2. For the pleco nerds out there I just saw this post on Planet Catfish. Flash pleco's or Peru striped Panaques (L204) have been given a scientific name: Panaqolus albivermis.


    Lujan, NK, S Steele & M Velasquez, 2013. A new distinctively banded species of Panaqolus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the western Amazon Basin in Peru. Zootaxa 3961: 192–198.

  3. It is hard to deviate from well known brands to relatively in my opinion, unproven brands.

    HIkari, Jbl - both are extremely well known and the quality control is good.

    I agree. I use JBL and Hikari for plecos.

  4. Eheim are great pumps but I found that the ?nylon outlet that you join the air hose to tends to start coming apart after a while. It should be a stainless fitting. Other than that a great pump and very quiet. I also sit mine on t-towels to make them even quieter. :lol:

  5. you could use small hydroponic pots. The the roots and I assume the runners can grow through the holes in the pots into the substrate. I have done this with my tiger lotus and it works well. The odd time I've had to move the plants I just pulled the pot out and trim the roots outside it and replanted them. It works fine but the pots may be higher than your substrate.

  6. Nice pics. According to the Baensch catfish atlas vol. 1 the situation with these three forms is not that straight forward. Both Parotocinclus sp. 'PERNAMBUCO' and Parotocinclus sp. 'RECIFE' are very similar and both are caught with P. jumbo. They call what is called P. spilosoma in the trade Parotocinclus sp. 'RECIFE', and suggest that P. spilosoma may be something different. Its all very confusing but you have either P. spilosoma (or Parotocinclus sp. 'RECIFE') or Parotocinclus sp. 'PERNAMBUCO'. Apparently Parotocinclus sp. 'PERNAMBUCO' is stockier and the yellow bits are more linear and dispersed.

  7. I had one seed pod open in the tank and ended up with a carpet of small plants. They were choking each other and I had plenty of pups so I gravel vacced them out. They shouldn't be to hard to germinate but they might take a while to grow to full size.

  8. Fair enough. You have a better idea than us of the markings. Its hard to tell from your head shot. I was saying Parotocinclus sp. `PERNAMBUCO` as this species is caught with jumbos and exported with them. Parotocinclus sp. `PERNAMBUCO`, Parotocinclus sp. `RECIFE` and Parotocinclus spilosoma all look fairly similar in markings. Either way its a cool looking pleco. It might be worth getting your LFS store to ask the importer if he has any more gold flecked fish in stock. You might be able to get another one or two and have a crack at breeding them.

  9. My tiger lotus (regular and variety rubra) have flowered several times but I haven't bothered to keep the seeds. I did have a standard tiger lotus drop all its seeds in the tank and they germinated easily enough. From memory there is least one post on here about growing them from seed. They haven't flowered in a while but I can keep a seed head if they do it again.

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