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Everything posted by ducati

  1. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 476659.htm
  2. ducati

    algae eater

    thanks for all that - is there something else I am doing if there is a lot of algae on the plants?
  3. ducati

    algae eater

    Well I assume thats what I need - there is a lot of algae growing on the plants and I want it gone - any other suggestions? ta
  4. ducati

    algae eater

    What algae eater will survive best in indoor unheated tank?
  5. Thanks for you help on this and sorry for so many questions. I have a couple of big plastic tanks outside (about 600L each) - I want to raise as many baby goldfish in them as possible until I build my new pond. What will I need to do this? As I said I couldnt believe how many fish this breeder had in such a small space - and they all looked fine.
  6. I recently went to a goldfish breeders place and he had a huge number of fish in a very small space. There was plenty of water flowing - so in this sort of intensive operation is it the filtration or water movement thats important? I guess the key is water quality and my questions are about attaining that?
  7. you are up early too!! Does this apply to outdoor pond as well - what is more important - filtration or aeration?
  8. If I am using an external filter (eheim) do I need any other form of aeration for my tank - how close to the surface should I have the outlet?
  9. I recently visited a goldfish breeder who was raising large numbers of fish in a very small area. He had a lot of water flowing so assume that's critical - what else is important?
  10. thanks fishboi - actually its more an academic interest - similar principles to other livestock breeding - horses for instance - you can bring them into season early by extending (artificially) their daylight hours. Sheep, you use slow release hormone sponges. How long would you need the females under cooler conditions?
  11. Sheep I know about. What about light - does that have any influence?
  12. thanks Stu - my experience with out of season breeding is limited to sheep - am sure the same methods cant be used but I guess I am just going to have to experiment.
  13. anybody have experience/thoughts on this?
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