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Everything posted by ducati

  1. great thanks for that.
  2. How much light/sunlight do goldfish need? We have a bush block with a wonderful spring that I was going to use for my watersource this breeding season. My intention is to set up tanks to be fed by this spring - this would be for babies only. Problem is there is not a lot of sunlight - there is light but it filtered. Would this work? The water is warm and I have another pond (full sun) in which the babies grow like crazy.
  3. just going back to this filtration thing - if sponge filters are as good as it seems they are. why bother with canister filters etc? I think I must be missing something here!!!
  4. If you use a sponge filter do you need any other sort of filtration?
  5. Ok Ron so I had 2 fry left from about 200 - got some Adtape from vet and put it in with survivors which were going down hill - it worked miraculously. Thanks so much for your help. Is there any possibility I could get my fish to spawn again this season? anything I can do? They are outside - Orandas
  6. OK I'll give it a try. Ron is there any possibility this could be bacterial gill disease? I know things go wrong but its not knowing what's wrong that I find hard. Its depressing when fry keep dying.
  7. thanks Ron - managed to get 200ml of Adtape. I see its recommended use on this site is 26ml/100L and dose everyday for 3 days. Can anyone explain what that entails? I also notice they advertise Prazi in the States as a single dose medication - is this different from Adtape?
  8. I have lost my last 3 batches of goldfish fry. They get to about half an inch long and start to go downhill. Their gills look distended. Can any one help out with how to get rid of this and prevent it in the future?
  9. I have some 4month old babies that have just begun developing problems. I notice them at the top and if I get them out they have reddening around the gills. I assume this is either parasitic or bacterial? How should I treat them and how can I prevent this from happening?
  10. ducati


    a net is the last alternative - I can do that but would prefer not to as it ruins the aesthetics of it all a bit. It was my understanding that kingfishers could/would only take theycould fit in their mouths which arent that big - there seems to be different ideas about whether thats right or not
  11. ducati


    well personally I love kingfishers too and I am not interested in dispatching them .... just discouraging them. Sounds like there's not a lot that can be done.
  12. ducati


    Unfortunately there are perches galore and I am not keen on taking out the 120 yr Puriris Are there any scarers or other devices that can be used - I can net the ponds but not terribly aesthetic.
  13. ducati


    What size fish can they get? Is any size fish relatively safe in a pond
  14. I'll get one tomorrow - they also look darker than the others.
  15. They are'nt so much joined but have pointed tips to the tail instead of rounded - I know that sounds a bit a strange but...
  16. I have noticed that a lot of the weaker fry have a sort of "webbed" tail - anyone shed any light on this?
  17. I have been "drafting" them and keeping like size together. I only want good quality - no percentage in raising inferior stock. I have read that only around 10% max will fit into this group.
  18. Yes well fed - I think its the numbers issue - I need to cull more and more and not expect to raise more than a small percentage.
  19. OK thanks again - I hope someone can help - its a little depressing having spent a lot of time getting them to this stage!! Guess that's why the good ones fetch good money.
  20. so does that explain the few dead ones I find each day? Its only been in the last week or so I have noticed it happening. I dont think there is anything else it could be - am doing water changes and the tanks are well filtered. THanks for your help by the way.
  21. Yes from my own fish - I think the key is to cull anything that is less than viable - and yes time consuming. I have read a lot about the percentage of quality individuals as being as low as 10% and am beginning to think that is realistic. I need to cull even more - keeping only the top 10%
  22. It seems the ones that die are the weaker and less than perfect - probably natures way of making sure only the strong survive?
  23. What would one expect to be a "normal" mortality rate for 3month old goldfish fry?
  24. They do exceptionally well in troughs - so do daphnia!!
  25. Have read the post(s). How many say 6cm goldfish can one safely pack in a bag to transport?
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