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Everything posted by snookie

  1. they are breeding size could i just keep the pair ? do you want a male ?
  2. so should i remove the males ?
  3. 5 X Males 1X female 8) anyone need a male ?:roll:
  4. thanks a whole new world to me 8)
  5. Is it egg spots ,or colour ?
  6. an archer would be sweet , scat and monos need more salinity when larger
  7. start hard , gradually add salt , fig 8 puffers are low end brackish , gsp are high end brackish/marine
  8. looking good 8) ,be better response in cichlid section
  9. did you buy from lfs ?, why did your flame tetras die ?
  10. swordtails dont cope with breeding nets in my experience , they usually abort
  11. how big was the fire eel ?
  12. visions of falcon trying to fly of with Macaw 8) , and la beating more than a coffee can
  13. For Royal Knifes thats a great price ! what size ? are you sure its not a clown ?
  14. how sure are you its an N.Z Falcon ?
  15. good luck finding shell dwellers here
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